«The Heart of a Soldier»: from the history of the concept to modern ideas.



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The article reflects the characteristics of the concept of «the heart of a soldier» and how the understanding of this problem has historically changed. The publication is based on a study of available domestic and foreign sources of literature. First, a historical background of the symptom complex, called «the heart of a soldier», during periods of various hostilities. Further, studies on the genetic diagnosis of the etiology and pathogenesis of this condition are described in more detail.




I. Rudchenko

FGAU "Military innovation Technopolis ERA" MO RF

Email: ignatrudchenko@mail.ru
Anapa, Krasnodar region

V. Tyrenko

Fgbou VPO "military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov»


A. Fisun

Fgbou VPO "military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov»



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版权所有 © Rudchenko I.V., Tyrenko V.V., Fisun A.Y., 2019

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