Experience in the use of open, endovascular, and hybrid methods of treating combat injuries of blood vessels: observations of one surgeon




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Delivering medical care for the wounded with combat injuries of blood vessels is one of the most difficult problems of military field surgery due to the high frequency of deaths and amputations of the extremities. The author’s personal experience of providing assistance to 20 wounded with vascular injuries in modern military conflicts at different levels of surgical care is described. An increase in the number of vascular injuries in military conflicts has been shown up to 10%. Moreover, 80% of them are wounds of the main vessels of the extremities (2/3 - the lower extremities, 1/3 - the upper). Only 15% of the wounded had intracavitary bleeding, 2 were delivered to the stage of surgical care in a terminal state. For the stabilization of hemodynamics in the latter, for the first time in the combat zone, the method of resuscitation endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta was used. The widespread use of ultrasound diagnostics, diagnostic angiography through the installation of an introducer, early operations depending on the condition of the wounded and the degree of limb ischemia (autovenous plasty, lateral suture, temporary vascular prosthetics, recanalization, and arterial endoprosthetics, wide fasciotomy) made it possible to exclude cases of death and secondary amputations of the extremities.




V. Reva

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Email: vreva@mail.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia


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