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卷 337, 编号 3 (2016)


Community-acquired pneumonia in servicemen: patients suirvalence and antimicrobial therapy

Ovchinnikov Y., Zaitsev A., Sinopalnikov A., Kryukov E., Kharitonov M., Chernov S., Makarevich A.


The article provides an overview of current guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in the military personnel. Recorded problematic issues determine the severity and prognosis of the disease, the criteria for referral of patients in intensive care unit. Presented tactics of patients management at the stage of army and hospital care, the recommended amount of inspection and direction of antimicrobial therapy. A special place is given to issues of treatment of severe community-acquired pneumonia and indicators of quality of care for patients with pneumonia in military medical institutions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):4-14
pages 4-14 views

Addictive behaviour monitoring in military personnel: an experience of chemical-toxicity study

Alekseev V., Shamrei V., Ivanov A., Goncharenko A., Tikhenko V.


The authors presented an analysis of prevalence and structure of drug consumption among different categories of military personnel. An experience of addictive behavior among military servicemen, and effectiveness of chemical-toxicity study for drug and addictive persons’ reveal is summarized. The authors considered an algorithm of use of different methods for early reveal of addictive behaviour among military servicemen including multidimensional psychological health screening.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):14-21
pages 14-21 views

Justification of modern approaches to classification of medical equipment sets

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Popov A., Rodionov E.


Classification of firs-aid kits, medical bags, medical supply kits, medical sets and kits plays a significant role when organizing medical support for the armed forces. Previous classification, developed in middle 90-s doesn’t answer modern principles of the use of balanced-basic equipment. The article provided information on a methodic of formation, structure and characteristics of a new classification of medical supply kits for the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Principles, stages and subject of psychological prophylaxis in the Airborne Troops

Goncharenko A., Koshkarev M.


The analysis of the literature, devoted to the organization of identification and treatment of «at risk» servicemen, their clinical case follow-up having a fundamental importance for the system of psychological prophylaxis among servicemen. Conducting these prophylaxis measures in the Airborne troops currently assigned to physicians who do not have qualification in psychiatry and psychologists working at the military units. It is also stated that the formal approach to activities, which is often limited by routine psychological test, significantly reduces the efficiency of the entire prophylaxis. It has been shown that early detection of «at risk» servicemen can be carried out only by the joint efforts of commanders, educators, physicians and psychologists.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Diagnostics and treatment of severe lung injuries caused by influenza А(H1N1/09): practical recommendations

Zaitsev A., Shchegolev A.


Arouse widespread in the beginning of 1916 influenza А(H1N1/09) have been proceeding with the development of severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and complications such as secondary-term invasive bacterial infection, septic shock, multiple organ failure, myocarditis, encephalitis, exacerbations of asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, decompensated congestive heart failure. In some regions, there have been cases of deaths caused by the disease. The article analyses the clinical features of primary (viral) and secondary (viral and bacterial) pneumonia. Considered acute issues of management of patients with severe lung lesions due to flu, practical recommendations on diagnostics, antiviral and antimicrobial therapy pneumatic institutes, intensive therapy of acute respiratory failure.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):39-46
pages 39-46 views

The innate immunity and activation of the atherogenesis

Tsygan V., Bubnov V., Tsygan N., Zinovev E., Ivchenko E., Anichkov N., Mirolyubov A., Dergunov A., Kazachenko A.


The worldwide recognized founder of the scientific concept of atherogenesis is the Russian scientist, representative of the Military-medical academy N.N.Anichkov (1885-1964), who was born in Saint-Petersburg. The authors analysed current information on the complex of formation atherogenesis mechanisms, based on interaction of different ligands with pathogen recognition receptor of different cells of congenital immune, including toll-like receptors and scavenger receptor. The specific nature of the activation of innate immunity receptors, cross-regulation of toll-like and scavenger receptors by endogenous ligands determines asymptomatic nature of the atherogenesis as the result of the sterile inflammation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Complex rehabilitation of operators of submerged technical systems after operating activity modelling

Kalmanov A., Bulavin V., Khankevich Y., Rogovanov D., Kotrovskaya T., Smoleevskii A.


The study of early disorders of functional state of the organism of operators of submerged technical systems allows selecting adequate prophylaxis means and prevent disqualification of specialists. The article presents the results of evaluation of changes in functional state of the organisms of 15 operators in 20 days of isolation at the test bench. It is established that the activities of operators in conditions of isolation and simulate everyday activities is associated with low levels of physical activity, sleep disturbance, lack of expressed emotional stress and is accompanied by a change in the performance of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The positive effect of the complex psychophysiological rehabilitation operators after an intense professional activity.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):55-63
pages 55-63 views

Troop tests of perspective samples of technical equipment for the departments of the medical service of joint force grouping of the Arctic zone

Yudin A., Shestakov S., Artemev N., Chuvashev M.


The article provides an analysis of physiographic factors influencing on not only healthcare professionals’ activity, but also departments of the medical service of joint force grouping of the Russian Arctic zone. The results of work performed by the research team of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry in the winter expedition to the Kola Peninsula are given. The authors performed an analysis and identified the possibility of construction, on the basis of the test samples of military equipment, of evacuation transport and mobile military medical facilities to equip the arctic crews, investigated declared characteristics and possibilities of the military operation of medical equipment samples, presented by the industry companies under natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):64-71
pages 64-71 views
pages 72 views

Dental health of students of military institutions of higher education

Iordanishvili A., Soldatkina A., Serikov A.


The article presents data on dental health of students of military institutions of higher education. Despite the high prevalence of caries (88,71%) and non-carious teeth affection (15,24%), the most of students were sanitized (89,52%) and provided an oral hygiene, which partly caused by routine oral cavity sanation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):73-74
pages 73-74 views

On the history of medical support of the White movement in the south of Russia (1918-1920).

Yanshin L.


First article: the Volunteer Army. At the initial stage of the Volunteer Army organization of its medical support performed by the Sanitary Branch Management of its units. In future, the military health service was headed by the Sanitary Branch of the South United Armed Forces of Russia, which is subordinate to the military field, howling and sanitary control and military evacuation and hospital management. In the health-care business in the armed forces of the White movement control system in southern Russia were also medical advice and Sanitation Council. Among the medical institutions of the Volunteer Army garrison were Station hospital and local hospitals, some of which were reorganized into typhus and epidemic hospitals due to mass infections. On the way of evacuation operated medical field facilities - field reserve hospital, evacuation spots and evacuation hospitals. Very bad sanitary and epidemiological situation demanded immediate infection diseases control. Antiepidemic forces and means consisted the epidemic and disinfection units, chemical and bacteriological laboratory.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):75-84
pages 75-84 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):84
pages 84 views

Ofitsial'nyy otdel

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):85-86
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):90-91
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Perspektivnye tekhnologii v sisteme obespecheniya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya voysk

Ogarkov P., Kuzin A., Svistunov S., Zharkov D., Zobov A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):92-94
pages 92-94 views

Vserossiyskaya neyrokhirurgicheskaya konferentsiya «Burdenkovskie vstrechi

Kurnosenko V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(3):95-96
pages 95-96 views
