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卷 337, 编号 7 (2016)


Organisational aspects of medical support for civilians employed in the Armed Forces in the military-medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence, deployed in Moscow

Kuvshinov K., Popov A., Sviridova T., Pastukhov A.


To ensure social protection of the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. In Moscow formed a territorial system of medical support of citizens who have the right for medical care in military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Russian legislation does not provide the right for medical assistance provision to the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces in military medical institutions at the expense of funds allocated from the federal budget for the maintenance of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The function of the physician in providing primary medical care performs primary care physician. Providing medical assistance to the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in military medical institutions on the basis of their attachment to the clinics only the Russian Defence Ministry, or in the direction of the clinics of Moscow.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Does desflurane have advantages in comparison with sevoflurane at the planned intracranial interventions

Ibrakhim R., Averyanov D., Schegolev A., Makarenko E.


The aim of the study was to compare the effect of sevoflurane and desflurane on the rate of patient awakening from anaesthesia, recovery of orientation, memory and concentration, and the incidence of side effects after elective surgery on the brain. The study included 42 patients, divided into two equal groups. In the first as the main anaesthetic used sevoflurane, in the second - desflurane. Wake-up time, and extubation of recovery of consciousness after desfluranom was less than when using sevoflurane as a anesthetic by 185, 301 and 296, respectively. Time needed for orientation, memory and concentration recovery varied in 15 and 30 minutes (in the desflurane group were faster) after waking up with full recovery in the preoperative level after 2 hours. Using desflurane was not accompanied by deterioration in the operations environment and does not lead to an increase in the number of adverse postoperative phenomena.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):11-17
pages 11-17 views

Stiffness of the arterial wall and predicted vascular age as a predictor of cardiovascular disease when stress-induced hypertension in the military personnel.

Telegina A., Liferov R., Kirichenko P., Makiev R., Gornov V., Cherkashin D., Fisun A.


On the basis of the study of 156 men aged 30-55 years are considered diagnostic methods for stress-induced hypertension in the military personnel. Furthermore, using modern diagnostic methods determined stress effect on the development of stress-induced hypertension, and also the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In order to detect early signs of atherosclerosis used sphygmography, by means of which was determined by cardio ankle vascular index (CAVI), as well as the calculated vascular age. The study proposed a set of organizational, diagnostic and therapeutic measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases among military personnel exposed to occupational stressful load.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):17-25
pages 17-25 views

On selection of external bleeding models for preclinical evaluation of the effectiveness of local haemostatic agents (literature review)

Chepur S., Yudin A., Shperling I., Dezhurnyi L., Makhnovskii A., Blinda I.


To temporarily stop of external bleeding traditionally use a pressure bandage or tourniquet, but not for all types of wounds it is possible and appropriate to apply these dressings. In recent times there has been significant progress in the development and improvement of local haemostatic agents used for the first aid. There are currently conflicting information about their effectiveness, presented by various authors, requires standardization of experimental models for pre-clinical testing of medical devices in this class. Following a review of domestic and foreign literature proposed to standardize external bleeding model for assessing the effectiveness of local haemostatic agents.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Modern order of rationing of medical property for military medical and pharmaceutical organizations in peacetime

Miroshnichenko Y., Stavila A., Krasavin K., Levchenko V., Goryachev A., Gainov V.


The characteristic of the new rules of medical supply for medical and pharmaceutical institutions of the Armed Forces in peacetime are presented, approved and put into effect by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. New standards of medical supply logistics adapted to the current organizational structure of the military healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations. Their use in practice will improve the quality of primary specialized healthcare, as well as specialized and high-tech medical care to military personnel and other categories of citizens who are entitled to health care through the Ministry of Defence.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Burn injuries in pregnant women: prevalence, structure, outcomes

Sokolov V., Abashin V., Admakin A., Petrachkov S., Stepanenko A.


Determining the optimal treatment strategy and the subsequent treatment of pregnant women with burns require the collaborative work of doctors of various specialties with relevant experience and high qualification. There are no so many researches on this issue, and most of them is written in the second half of the last century. In this regard, the authors compiled and analysed available on the considered issues of data presented in the foreign literature from 1958 to the present.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):38-47
pages 38-47 views

Novoe sredstvo ostanovki krovotecheniya na dogospital'nom etape

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):48-48
pages 48-48 views

Case of successful treatment of a patient with necrotic cellulitis, lower limb fasciitis, accompanied by sepsis, under condition of base hospital

Kovalenko A., Sekachev V., Admakin A.


In the article presented treatment strategy, developed for patient with injuries on the background of purulent necrotic fasciitis using a wound dressing under condition of base hospital. Early surgical treatment, modern antibiotics, wound dressings allow in the short term to stabilize a wound healing process and restore the skin.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Treatment of spontaneous rupture of the abdominal aorta in a versatile military hospital

Dolgikh R., Obraztsov A., Pinchuk O., Yamenskov V., Rakov A.


The authors present their own successful experience in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the rather rare pathology - a spontaneous rupture of the abdominal aorta of normal size in a multipurpose hospital unit.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Use of device «Aster» for microwave therapy and bactericidal ultrasonic humidifier in the medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with concomitant coronary heart disease

Shchegolkov A., Yudin V., Yaroshenko V., Klimko V., Sychev V., Chernyshev A., Ionichevskaya I.


The efficiency of the use of microwave therapy and bactericidal ultrasonic humidification for medical rehabilitation of patients with combined pathology - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary heart disease. It has been established that its employment, in common, leads to an improvement in the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system and the psychological state of the patients, which ensures growth of the rehabilitation effect.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):53-54
pages 53-54 views

Organization and carrying out sanitary and air evacuation of injured with severe concomitant injury in the Arctic

Sushilnikov S., Zakrevskii Y., Shevchenko A., Peretechikov A., Panina T.


The article describes the organization of sanitary and air evacuation to a specialized hospital a patient with severe concomitant injury, in a remote area of the Arctic. The paper presents the procedure of interaction between the Russian national defence control centre and medical services administration, including means of videoconference communication. The conditions and factors to be taken into account in the organization of medical-evacuation activities in the Arctic are shown.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):54-56
pages 54-56 views

Peculiarities of medical support of Soviet troops during the Battle of Kursk

Budko A., Baryshkova L., Gribovskaya G., Zhuravlev D.


The article analyzes the experience of medical support of the Red Army troops during the Battle of Kursk (July-August 1943). The data characterizing particular forms and methods of work of the medical service of the fronts in the dynamics of the defensive and offensive operations. The basis of the organization of medical evacuation support was a continuous movement of medical institutions for the conduct of the troops and treating the injured on the spot. The succes of the Medical Service was possible thanks to the mobility and manoeuvrability of surgical forces, the formation of emergency medical teams gain and mobile surgical teams, echelonment specialized medical care. Activities carried out to provide various types of medical care - on the battlefield, in the regimental and divisional health centres, hospitals - allowed to return in order to 180 000 wounded and sick. Due to the effective anti-epidemic protection could prevent the spread of the troops of mass infectious diseases.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Work of medical officials and the Sisters of Charity during the Siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855

Murynin V., Zubarev A.


The article is devoted to work of the medical officials and the Sisters of Charity during the Siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. At the present time on the territory of Sevastopol Naval Clinical Hospital accommodate a memorial complex dedicated to the memory of medical officials, worked in the besieged Sevastopol. Referring to the historical sources of the work of medical officials and the Sisters of Charity of Krestovozdvizheskaya community the authors emphasize the importance of and the need for the installation of the memorial complex.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Volgograd military hospital celebrates the 75th anniversary

Papko S., Musaev R.


The Volgograd military hospital in July 2016 celebrates the 75th anniversary. Frontline formation of the hospital later played a significant role in successful work and feat of arms in local conflicts. For decades, the hospital features a high professionalism and cohesion of the team, the pursuit of the development and adherence to traditions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):68-70
pages 68-70 views
pages 71-89 views

Lenta novostey

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):90-91
pages 90-91 views

Prospects on the use of information technologies in the system of military-medical education and military healthcare

Kalachev O., Papkov A., Polovinka V., Agapitov A.


A report on the research-to-practice conference «Prospects on the use of information technology in military medical education and military health care system», which was held in January 2016 at the Moscow branch of the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy, is presented. During the conference were formulated ways of implementation of scientific development and the latest information technologies in the medical service of the Armed Forces. The outcome of the conference will contribute to decision-making about the possibility of introduction of information technologies in the daily activities of military medical institutions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):92-94
pages 92-94 views

Research-to-practice conference «Influenza A/H1N1»

Zaitsev A., Ovchinnikov Y., Polovinka V.


A report on the research-to-practice conference «Influenza A/H1N1», which was held in February 2016 in Moscow, is presented. The programme of the conference included reports of the leading experts of the Ministry of Defence, civilian healthcare, and the Russian Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being. During the conference were defined promising diagnostic methods, directions of antiviral and antimicrobial therapy, the issues of intensive treatment and prevention of influenza and pneumonia.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(7):94-96
pages 94-96 views
