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卷 337, 编号 11 (2016)


Main indicators of health status of the officers serving at the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2005-2015

Ivanov V., Sivashchenko P., Evdokimov V., Grigorev S., Fefelov D.


Dynamic indicators of health status of officers in 2005-2015 were investigated and evaluated according to developed algorithm. Reliable increase of common morbidity indicators and labour losses and reduced discharge rate and mortality are defined. It is shown that the following diseases: traumas, circulatory diseases, respiratory disease, diseases of the digestive system, pathology of musculoskeletal system and neoplasm are 75,5% of the common health status indicator.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Actual issues of an improvement of the medical aid delivery system in case of acute radiopathology in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Basharin V., Karamullin M., Zatsepin V., Chekhovskikh Y.


The article provides information on characteristics of the stage system of medical aid delivery in case of acute radiologic traumas. The authors formulated main directions of improvement of the system under modern conditions. It is shown that as a basis of its improvement may be considered the complex of measures, including formation of standardized clinical recommendations (treatment protocols) on medical care delivery to the wounded at different stages of medical evacuation, expanding of possibilities of special medical aid delivery to patients with acute radiopathology, including formation of mobile reserves for deployment of specialized units under conditions of mass admission of patients with severe forms of radiopathology; renewal of the training system for medical specialists working in the field of acute radiopathology; implementation of information technologies; improvement of interdepartmental interaction on the problems of medical consequences after radiologic emergency situations in peacetime.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Use of the accelerated recovery programme after surgical intervention in the field of battlefield surgery

Bryusov P.


The article provides information on the possibility of implementation of the accelerated recovery programme after surgical intervention in the field of battlefield surgery. According to analysis of experience of work of specialized thoracic reinforcement group at a garrison hospital, transformed into multidisciplinary military field hospital (3rd level), it is shown that principals of the given program may be implemented, under some conditions, in the course of the first emergency specialized aid delivery to wounded on the battlefield. The use of modern technologies in the course of surgical treatment of wounded in battlefield hospital, may reduce traumatic effect of surgical intervention and allows receiving results similar to results received in peacetime during implementation of FTS program, thus to resolve the main state problem - accelerated recovery of the wounded soldiers and their return to the duty or their full social rehabilitation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Use of the tacticts of multistage surgical treatment on the model of combined radiation-and-mechanic injury

Samokhvalov I., Seleznev A., Grebenyuk A., Nosov A.


The article provides information on the use of the tactics of multistage surgical treatment (MST), which allows increasing survival value in patients with polytrauma. There are no descriptions of possibility of the use of this tactics in case of combined radiation-and-mechanic injuries in available literature. During an experimental research underwent on 25 sheep it was found that in case of MST implementation there is a significant decrease of intraoperative and postoperative lethal outcome in comparison with traditional tactics. In animals, underwent MST, were defined more laudable course of radiation syndrome. Analysis of laboratory peripheral blood indexes allowed making conclusion, that conducting final surgical intervention (3rd stage of MST) during the first 24 hours after abbreviated surgical intervention allows finishing surgical treatment and intensive care before the beginning of acute radiation syndrome and doesn’t counter classic recommendations concerning the treatment of combined radiation-and-mechanic injuries.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):28-36
pages 28-36 views

Use of spectral index of heart rate variability as a predictor of poor clinical outcome in patients with severe combined chest trauma

Sakhin V., Gordienko A., Sotnikov A.


The article provides information on results of research of connection between spectral index of heart rate variability, got during 5-minutes record of echocardiography in acute period of traumatic disease, and severity of trauma, severity of health condition and level of impairment of consciousness in patients with combined chest trauma. Defined correlating connections between separate indexes of spectral analysis of heart rate variability and scales, reflecting health status severity and severity of trauma when admission the patients. Defined accurate differences between indexes of a power of very low frequency, low frequency and high-frequency waves, indexes of a vagosympathetic balance in groups of patients with poor clinical outcome and lethal outcome. Proved the possibility of the use of definite, during 12 hours after getting injury, relative powers of low-frequency and high-frequency waves, expressed in normalized units, index of a vagosympathetic balance as physiological markers of poor clinical outcome in patients with severe combined chest trauma.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Hygienic aspects of development and testing of individual military armour

Logatkin S., Ivchenko E., Raguzin E., Geregei A.


The article is devoted to scientific substantiation of proposals aimed at improving certain physical and hygienic properties of the personal body armour (PBA) and their test methods. The authors performed an analysis of the development of domestic and foreign PBA production. Analysed and described construction, ergonomic and medical-and-technical characteristics of PBA. The role of the study of hygienic, mechanical and ergonomic indicators in assessing the dynamics of the vector and the further development of PBA is presented. Substantiated proposals for their improvement.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):43-48
pages 43-48 views

Psychophysiological methods to support pilots training in the flight simulator

Blaginin A., Sinelnikov S., Prishchepin B., Kudryakov S., Shevelko A., Yachmeneva P.


Despite the fact that the pilot performance in commercial and state aviation has some differences the same methodology and training philosophy are used in the organization of flight simulator training. The article presents the results of adaptation of psychophysiological methods to support flight simulator training for pilots of civil aviation, developed for military pilots. It is shown that the existing system for assessing pilots training in flight simulator, which is one of the most important stages of flight training for aviation, is not a sufficient level of objectification. It has been suggested to use psychophysiological inflight monitoring for integrated assessment of skills development along with instructor’s assessment. Psychophysiological monitoring included such indices as residual attention and stress index for assessing pilot physiological activity, which enables the instructor to choose the strategies for further training.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):49-54
pages 49-54 views

V poiskakh bolee effektivnogo krovezamenitelya polya boya

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):55-57
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About foreign experience of evacuation of wounded and sick in armed conflicts in the second half of the 20th century

Sushilnikov S.


The analysis of experience of foreign armies in aeromedical evacuation of the wounded and sick in local wars and armed conflicts of the second half of the 20th century is presented. Presented the organization of medical and evacuation measures. Presented factors those ensure the effectiveness of the medical evacuation of the sick and wounded with the help of helicopters in different theatres in different conditions of warfare.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):58-60
pages 58-60 views

Application of collapan implants in purulent surgery for osteomyelitis of the long bones

Papko S., Kokoev V., Panov V., Oganov A., Levchenko S., Emelyanov V.


The efficiency of the use of collapan for plastic repair of bone defects in the surgical treatment of chronic osteomyelitis in 38 patients aged 19-55 years. It is shown that the operation is not traumatic and does not require sophisticated equipment to carry it out. Timing of treatment was 35-45 days. As there was no relapse during the year.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):60-61
pages 60-61 views

Peculiarities of acute appendicitis diagnosis in patients with overweight

Myalin A., Murkin A., Fadeev S., Rozhkov A., Shakhova S.


In patients with overweight is often diagnosed false positive rebound sensitivity. The authors suggested defining this symptom in patients with overweight on a localized zone of abdomen wall. Method of the symptom defining is given. The effectiveness of the given method is proved by clinical material.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Experience in the assessment of the functional state of flight crews of naval aviation

Mazaikin D., Buldakov I.


The article describes the experience in the study of the functional state of the most challenging military occupations - pilots of carrier-based aircraft. Presents the methods and results of research. Established database allows evaluating the level of functional status over time, address the issues of prevention of violations, access to special tasks.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):62-64
pages 62-64 views

First Trans-Baikal military physicians - people from the Buryats

Batoev S.


Biographies of the first military physicians - people from the Buryat Bazar-Sado Yampilova and Sanzhimitupa Tsybyktarova. During their short life they showed themselves as medical professionals and true patriots.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):64-65
pages 64-65 views

On the history of the medical support for the White movement on the South of Russia (1918-1920): The Don Army

Yanshin L.


The military-sanitation inspector and held by him the army medical department of the All-Great Don Host organized medical support of the Don Army; the military-sanitation inspector was responsible not only for military healthcare, but also for civil healthcare. A representative of this department was a member of the medical committee of the Armed Forces on the South of Russia. Medical facilities of the Don Army included garrison hospitals in Rostov-on-Don and Novocherkassk, small hospitals at stations, khutors, and railway stations. On the stages of medical evacuations were organized battlefield medical facilities - battlefield hospitals, ambulance detachments, battlefield mobile hospitals, evacuation points, and evacuation hospitals. Antiepidemic means included mobile epidemic and disinfecting troops, and bacteriological laboratory. After the Don Army passed to the control of the commander in Chief of the Armed Forces on the South of Russia and organization of joint military operations with the Volunteer Army wounded and ill Cossacks had also been sending to medical facilities of this join.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Anniversary of the science regulatory body of the S.M.Kirov Military medical academy.

Ivchenko E., Ovchinnikov D., Karpushchenko E.


In the nineteenth century the Military-medical scientific committee was responsible for organization of scientific activity in the system of medical service of the Armed Forces; in the soviet period - the Military-scientific committee of the Main military-medical authority (since 1930) and scientific department of the S.M.Kirov Military medical academy (since 1931). In 1931-1936 and in 2010-2014 the Military-scientific committee of the Main military-medical authority was dissolved, and in 1936-1940 and in 2014-2015 conducted a supernumerary activity, during these periods the scientific department of the S.M.Kirov Military medical academy was responsible for coordination of scientific work in the Armed Forces. An experience of organization of the scientific regulatory bodies brought positive results and allows developing medical science further in the interests of the Army and the Navy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Branch N 6 of the Burdenko main military clinical hospital celebrates the 95th anniversary

Merezhkin A., Rozhnov Y., Mits N., Karanik A.


The article provides a brief summary on the history of former 2nd Central polyclinics of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR (now Branch N 6 of the Burdenko main military clinical hospital), and for the first time published early-unknown facts about brigade surgeon A.A.Litkens - personal surgeon of K.E.Voroshilov.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Pamyatnye daty istorii voennoy meditsiny 2017 goda

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):83-83
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Ofitsial'nyy otdel

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):84-87
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Lenta novostey

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):87-91
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Organization of military hospital activity under condition of strict ant epidemiological regime

Valevskii V., Krylov V., Shevchenko A., Smirnov V., Etlis M.


At the academic meeting of the medical staff of the Western military district was performed a demonstration «Organization of military hospital activity under condition of strict ant epidemiologic regime». During this demonstration were performed the following activities: procedure for doctor on duty in case of detection of patient with suspicion of special danger infection, planning documents concerning hospital activity under conditions of strict ant epidemiologic regime and etc. Were demonstrated deployed off-duty units of strict regime zones and restrictions, organization of internal military police duty with the fixed military element.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(11):92-96
pages 92-96 views
