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卷 335, 编号 6 (2014)


Psychology and psychopathology of information warfare

Fisun A., Shamrei V., Goncharenko A., Ovchinnikov B., Chermyanin S.


Tension of information warfare as a form of modern war has a global character nowadays. Topicality of research of psychological reaction peculiarities and psychopathology phenomena developing during information warfare is determined by necessity of scientific development of the effective means of diagnosis and prophylaxis of these phenomena. The article is devoted to analytical review of modern articles about aim, goals and methods of information warfare, covering some signs of manipulative influence on people ’s mind. Authors set forward opinion about possible psychological peculiarities and psychopathological consequences of targeted aggressive information influence and also suggest some methods against this influence.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):4-12
pages 4-12 views

The experience in orginizing medical supply of the Belorussian operation 1944 «Bagration»

Shelepov A., Leonik S., Ponomarenko V.


A research of some literary sources and archive materials relating to the Belorussian strategic offensive operation «
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):13-23
pages 13-23 views

Telemedical approach to the organization of the advisory dermatologie care

Belyakin S., Barbinov V., Patsenko M., Tarasenko G., Vinogradov S.


Considered the introduction to the health practice of the remote medical help by the information and Communication Technologies to improve the quality of diagnostics of dermatological patients in the remote garrisons. Developed the scheme and the map of teleconsultation, and also defined indications for its conduct. Given the example of online consultation resulted in a diagnosis of pathomimics (Munchausen’s disease), and in the recommendations for survey and treatment of the patient. It is concluded that the development of remote consultation of the patients needing dermatovenereological medical care from any health care facility will bring closer the highly specialized dermatovenereological assistance to the remote garrisons and will significantly save the cost of such assistance.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):24-28
pages 24-28 views

The organization of emergency actions for ocular burns in conditions of military unit (of the ship)

Boiko E., Chernysh V.


Prehospital services for ocular burns are delivered by servicemen as self or mutual management and also by paramedic. Every case of ocular burn should be considered as severe one. The patient, shortly after the first aid, should be transported to the medical company or medical unit. Under conditions of medical unit military doctor has to organize an ophthalmological working space (ophthalmological corner) with the necessary equipment. Eye irrigation has to be made for chemical ocular burns. Military doctor should consider any previous irrigation as insufficient. For severe ocular burns during evacuation to the hospital it is necessary to perform a simple blepharorrhaphy or (if the condition of lids allows) to make a hermetic seal with aid of aid-band. Doctor’s obligations should also include prophylaxis of ocular burns.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):29-33
pages 29-33 views

The use of plasma surgery in military medicine. Scientists have been carrying out plasma energy research with the aim to apply to surgical practice

Efimenko N., Esipov A., Musailov V., Moskalenko V.


Domestic plasma devices «SUPR-M», «
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Radiomitigators: prospects for use in medical radiation protection

Grebenyuk A., Legeza V., Tarumov R.


Prospects of creation and use of radiomitigators - the treatment-and-prophylactic means intended for rendering medical care by the victim of influence of ionizing radiation in the earliest terms after irradiation (hours, days) are presented. It is shown that the most effective radiomitigators are found among natural biopolymers of a microbic origin (a vaccine from bacteria of enterotyphus group, preparations of lipopolysaccharide or protein-polysaccharide components of these microbes). Very perspective such preparations as desoxinate, translame and flagellin are represented. The expressed radiomitigate properties such antioxidants as α-tocopherole, xantosine, caffeine, selenium methionine, inosine, guanosine and antioxidant complexes are possess. Among steroids the greatest interest represents 5-androstenediol. Radiomitigate properties have some cytokines, for example interleukine-1ß (betaleukine), trombopoetin, stem cell factor, and also their combination with colony stimulated factors. Tasks of increase of efficiency of medical radiation protection at early stages of a radiation injures are formulated.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Health status of military men serving on the North Fleet

Myznikov I., Askerko N., Khankevich Y., Ustimenko L., Burtsev N., Kuzminov O., Sadchenko S., Matochkina A., Trofimova A.


Authors analyzed data characterizing health status of military men serving on the North Fleet, peculiarities of changes in category of fitness for military service in 2002-2011. It was found that 75,1% of conscripts fell into first health group, 20,1% - fell into second health group, 4,8% - fell into third health group. Authors gave detailed characteristics of frequent diseases in military men. Authors formulated organizational solutions, ways of improvement of conscripts’ health status.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):44-52
pages 44-52 views

Intravascular decompressive aerogenesis ultrasonography in a practice of diving medical physician

Myasnikov A., Golovyashkin G., Shitov A., Motasov G., Chumakov A., Sukhoroslova I., Bobrov Y.


The aim of research was substantiation of necessity and accessibility of acoustic indication of intravascular decompressive aerogenesis in a practice of diving medical. Authors define possibilities of portable ultrasound blood flow indicator for location of decompressive gas bubbles. It was found that acoustic indication of intravascular decompressive gas bubbles made by simple portable ultrasonic blood flow meter allows to reveal moving gas bubble in blood flow. Authors came to conclusion that it is necessary to include portable ultrasonic diagnostic equipment into the norms of medical supply for ships, vessels and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Modern ways of actualisation of military formulary system

Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Krasavin K., Golubenko R., Gainov V., Tikhonov A., Stavila A., Klochkova I.


Authors presented a historical summary about formation and development of military formulary system and quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the fifth edition of the Drug formulary. The new Drug formulary is a list of drugs developed on the basis of multi-criteria choice of optimal alternatives according clinical and pharmacoeconomic effectiveness, costs with due regard to possible pharmacological support for troops. The fifth edition of the Drug Formulary fully covers medical and social demands of military servicemen, of military retirees and members of their families for the effective drugs during the treatment of socially important and common aliments within the framework of established government guarantee.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Combined use of electromyography and T-scan program for occlusal disorders correction in case of periodontal diseases and myofascial syndrome

Mamedova L., Efimovich O.


Evidence-based stomatology needs objective quantitative evaluation of the function and dysfunction of the dental system elements. The proposed technique allows the practitioner to simultaneously view data of the compression force, synchronization and balance of the craniofacial muscles and also the occlusions from dormancy up to the maximum of fissure-cuspal contact of teeth. Dentist receives information about the specific activity of the masticatory muscles based on the exact calculation of individual forces of the patient’s teeth contacts.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):65-67
pages 65-67 views

The influence of proved bioequivalence on pricing of generic drugs

Gorin S., Goryachev A.


Authors presented the analysis of the influence of proved bioequivalence on pricing of generic drugs. Authors suggested ways of improvement of medication treatment by regulating therapeutic and biological equivalence to patent medicine.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):67-69
pages 67-69 views

Medical control over physical training in the US Armed Forces

Bolekhan V., Golota A., Krassii A., Trunov Y.


The current article elucidates some novel trends in the field of medical control over the physical training process in the US Armed Forces. The high rate of injuries attributed to physical training calls for scientific medical research intensification of the physical training process. The main innovations are the following: avoidance of overtraining, personalization, gradual increase of loading.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Academy of Medical Sciences during the Great Patriotic War and first years after war

Knopov M., Taranukha V.


In the article presented the history of foundation of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and its activities during the World War Two and the early postwar years. According to the authors, the scientific development of many fundamental problems from domestic medicine experience during the war has retained its relevance in solving of the contemporary issues in health and medical science in modern Russia.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Military hospital in Komsomolsk-on-Amur celebrates 80 th anniversary

Nagut N., Zakharchuk L.


In March of 1934 the Revolutionary Military Council of the Special Far Eastern Red Army decided to deploy a military hospital in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur which has been under construction. In June of 1934 there was a connection with the local hospital of Dalpromstroy, located in the barracks, with a total of 60 beds. This hospital began to serve all city construction workers and solders without any exception. June 11, 1934 is considered the day of the hospital foundation. The article presents a brief outline of the hospital’s history from 2010 to the present time - Branch number 2 301 st District of Military clinical Hospital.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):78-81
pages 78-81 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):82-84
pages 82-84 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):85-85
pages 85-85 views

40th World Congress on Miliary Medicine in Saudi Arabia

Samokhvalov I., Kholikov I.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):86-91
pages 86-91 views

Issues of professional pathology in aviation and space medicine during the military practice

Blaginin A., Kuznetsov S., Shelepov A., Zhiltsova I., Annenkov O.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):92-94
pages 92-94 views

XI annual Congress of Russian Glaucoma Society

Kuroedov A., Aleksandrov A., Gorodnichii V., Ogorodnikova V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(6):95-96
pages 95-96 views
