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卷 331, 编号 5 (2010)


Medical supply of long flies

Belevitin A., Tsygan V., Blaginin A., Lizogub I.


The article presents a characteristics of main negative factors, disimproving a functional condition and working capacity of airmen in long flies: long stay in a working pose, necessity of using of summer form, of defense form and oxygen-breath means, peculiarities of eating in fly, solving of nature-imposed necessity, relative sensor deprivation, sameliness of environment, high level of noise, hypokinesia, high nervous-emotional tension in conditions of air refueling, temperature fall, difference of barometric pressure, desynchronisms. Were given practical recommendations on maintenance of functional and working capacity of members of flying staff, realizing long flies.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Optimization of work of polyclinic in medical supply of attached contingents on the base of using of informational technologies

Belyakin S., Vinogradov S., Vorobyov E.


The article presents review of experience of forming of information system of recording of visiting of policlinics and analyze of treatment measures. Functioning of this system on the base of local computer net permitted considerably improve indexes of work of policlinics.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Frequency and prophylaxis of the most generalized diseases among young men of preinduction age

Kuz’min S., Karpov A., Kuz’mina T.


The article presents the analyze of indexes of morbidity among young men of preinduction age in Orenburg region. Was given a valuation of level of risk of forming of diseases. Were shown causes of deficit of weight, growth of pathology of locomotor apparatus and psychic diseases among young men of preinduction age. The young men before the call-up need well-timed prophylactic observes, dispensary observe and health measures, aimed to improve the health.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Using of morphological indexes of walls of arteries in effectuating of identification expertises

Efimov A.


Parameters of elasticity of an arterial wall and its water-salt structure were investigated. Authentic age changes of parameters of elasticity of arteries wall and absence of age dependence of changes of its water-salt structure are revealed. In result perspectivity of use of parameters of elasticity of an arterial wall for development of a method of definition of age and the decision of a question on an belonging of parts of a body has been shown one individual on an age parameter at medicolegal examination of dismembered corpses.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):17-19
pages 17-19 views

Role of modern neuro-physiological methods of diagnostics in increasing of quality of medical aid to veterans of the Great Patriotic War

Ahmetyanov L., Odchinnikov A.


Was observed the structure of morbidity among veterans with using neurocomputer methods of diagnostics. Morbidity level among veterans is twice higher than in other age groups. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have acute chronicle diseases of nervous system, coursing against systemic atherosclerosis and decreasing of vicarious capabilities of organism. It requires increasing of resources of healthcare on pre-hospital and stationary levels of organization of medical aid. Implementation of high-technological computer measures of diagnostics promote to prevent of sthenic sequels of encephalopathy, hypertonic crisis, insult, epilepsy and parkinsonism. Using these methods are realized early diagnostics on functional level, timely pathogenesis therapy and medical rehabilitation of veterans. Organization of medical aid to veterans requires more full cooperation between institutes of healthcare and institutes of social defense.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Comparative characteristics of operative treatment of growth of urocyst

Vasil’chenko M., Zelenin D., Matosyan S.


The authors effectuated a retrospective analyze of operative treatment of 108 patients with carcinoma of urocyst in urological unit of the 2nd CMCH by Mandryka P.V. for the period of 1995-2007.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Peculiarities of systemic on regional circulatory dynamics at a pseudoexfoliative syndrome and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (Reviev of literature)

Brezhnev A., Kuroedov A., Aleksandrov A.


The article presents results of searches, devoted to haemodynamic damages against wide-spread ophthalmo-pathology - pseudoexfoliative syndrome and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma. Changes, appearing on different levels, confirm hypothesis about systemic character of the disease and prove the necessity of further examination of role of syndrome in development of different forms of vascular disease.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Experience of sanitarium-epidemiological scouting during effectuating of field operations of units of navy infantry

Mel’nichenko S., Goncharov G., Tsitsnadze O.


The article presents an experience of organization of sanitary-hygiene and controepidemic measures, preceding going to brigade of marine corps on missions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):34-36
pages 34-36 views

Quality of a life of military seamen of Northern fleet

Mosiagin I., Sakharov O., Gubernitskaya S.


Research of quality of a life of military seamen with use of the Russian-speaking version of the general questionnaire of health «Medical Outcomes Study-Short Forms» (SF-36) is conducted. 600 military men at the age from 18 till 55 years are surveyed. Military seamen have highly appreciated the quality of a life. Absolute values of indicators of quality of a life on all scales 70 points that is considered, how very high there are more. The physical component of health is estimated by military men above, than psychological. Values of indicators of quality of a life on all scales of questionnaire SF-36 at men were above, than at women, with preservation of the general tendency more an appreciation of a physical component of health. Military men on an appeal have estimated the quality of a life above, than military men under the contract. Essential distinctions in an estimation of quality of a life in group of military men under the contract it is not revealed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):37-39
pages 37-39 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):40-59
pages 40-59 views

From the foreign medical publications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):60-63
pages 60-63 views


Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Shamrey V., Chudinovskikh A.


The article presents an observe of questions of organization of psychiatric aid during the Great Patriotic War, main disadvantages of the first period of war, their dependence from circumstances of prewar period, ignoring of experience of last war. There was marked the role of famous native psychiatrists in organization of psychiatric aid to military servicemen in theatre of combat actions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):64-70
pages 64-70 views

War and Medicine

Chizh I.


The article presents the observe of contribution of medicine in victory of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Main attention was paid to organization of carry-over of wounded person from battle-field and delivery of health care. There was created a sharp system of medical securing of combat actions of troops on the base of principle of stage treatment of ill and wounded persons, in combination with their evacuation in corresponding places. The end treatment was laid on a large net of specialized medical institutes, evacuation hospitals of People’s Committee of Health care of USSR. A great value had the organization of controepidemic work. Thanks to feat of military physicians, activity of civil health care and international help in organization of treatment of ill and wounded persons there was returned in order 17 157 243 persons.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):71-74
pages 71-74 views

«Everything, made by soviet military medicine during the last war, could be called a feat...»

Budko A.


The article presents an observe of different aspects of activity of military-medical service of the Red Army for the period of the Great Patriotic War on the base of complex examination of archive sources and large sphere of literature. Was shown contribution of several representatives of military service, their work on front and in rearwards.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):75-81
pages 75-81 views

From memories about war

Spivak B.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):82-88
pages 82-88 views

Dobroslavin A.P. and native military hygiene (To the 125th anniversary of edition of the «Course of military hygiene»)

Egorysheva I.


Professor Dobroslavin A.P. - the founder of scientific military hygiene in Russia, pioneer of hygiene preparedness of military physicians. His «Course of military hygiene» - is the first Russian edition on this topic.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):89-91
pages 89-91 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):92-92
pages 92-92 views

The 80th anniversary of cathedra of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology of Military-medical academy

Prokhvatilov G., Grebnev G., Chepik G.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(5):93-96
pages 93-96 views
