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No 11 (2022)

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Coronae on Venus: Relief Features and Stages of Evolution

Guseva E.N., Ivanov M.A.


The coronae on Venus are large (several thousand kilometers in diameter) oval-shaped landforms. Probably, they are the surface manifestations of mantle diapirs. Weak erosion is practically unable to even out the relief of the surface of the planet. So, the specific features of the corona relief make it possible to reconstruct the sequence of evolutional stages of the diapirs. We have studied the topographic configuration of the coronae, determined their relative age, and found that they are characterized by three main topographical classes (landforms). These classes correspond to different stages of their formation and evolution of the parent diapirs.
Priroda. 2022;(11):3-9
pages 3-9 views

The Changes in the Arctic Shipping in the XXI Century

Dobrodeev A.A., Sazonov K.E.


Shipping in the Arctic is a very crucial component of the economic sustainability of the major national projects in this region. The presence of ice on the Northern Sea Route, the main transport corridor of the Arctic, creates significant obstacles even to modern ships with increased power and an ice-clearing hull shape. The article describes traditional approaches of the ice navigation management based on using of icebreakers and modern technologies for improvement of the ship icebreaking and ice-resistance abilities. We also discuss the problems of icebreaking escorting of actively built in the last decade large-size vessels and the necessity of development of new tactics for joint operation of vessels and icebreakers. The studies of the movement of large cargo vessels in narrow ice channels either with or without the icebreaker escorting create the prerequisites for improving the maritime transport system in the Arctic. The prospects for the development of Arctic shipping based on the increased speed of ships in ice conditions are determined.
Priroda. 2022;(11):10-21
pages 10-21 views

Birds of Sevastopol Bays

Eliseev D.O., Zarina L.M.


The article provides information about the species diversity, migrations, seasonal dynamics of populations, and spatial distribution of near-aquatic and aquatic birds on the Sevastopol coast of the Black Sea, from Cape Chersonesus to the village of Kacha. We represent data obtained by the authors during 60 days of observations in different seasons in 2020–2021. In total, 29 sections of the seashore have been surveyed and 34 species of near-aquatic and aquatic birds from to 6 orders have been identified. Also a number of freshwater reservoirs (estuaries of rivers and ponds) and the garbage dump “Pervomaiskaya Balka”, a place of concentration of a significant number of feeding Caspian and black-headed gulls and other birds, have been surveyed. The authors suggest the most convenient locations for photographing birds on the Sevastopol coast in different seasons of the year.
Priroda. 2022;(11):22-35
pages 22-35 views

Piriboles — Bioboles — Biopyriboles: Transitional Structural Types for Pyroxenes, Amphiboles, and Micas

Rastsvetaeva R.K.


The structure of a large number of silicate minerals is based on three-layer blocks consisting of two T-radicals of vertex-connected silicon-oxygen tetra-hedra and an O-radical of edge-connected octahedra between them. Three-layer blocks are of different lengths — from infinite two-dimensional (micas) to infinite one-dimensional (pyroxenes, pyroxenoids, and amphiboles). The crystal-chemical diversity of these minerals results from the variations in the chemical composition of the blocks, their geometric characteristics, and topology and symmetry of their location in the structure. Such diversity covers the wide range of structures, from layered (and pseudo-layered) to the frame ones. Hybrid structures combining two-dimensional fragments of different widths with one-dimensional ones are formed under specific crystallization conditions. The study of these minerals opens the potential for the synthesis of layered and pseudo-layered microporous compounds with desired properties.
Priroda. 2022;(11):36-47
pages 36-47 views

Microalgae and the Climate of the North Atlantic

Klyuvitkina T.S., Novichkova E.A., Kireenko L.A., Chekhovskaya M.P., Matul A.G.


The results of a micropaleontological study of the sediment core obtained in the northeastern part of the Norwegian–Greenland basin from a sea depth of 3013 m are presented. The microalgae species composition indicates repeated changes in marine environments during the sedimentation.
Priroda. 2022;(11):48-53
pages 48-53 views

The Beginning of Independent Life. To the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician A.A.Borissiak

Bodylevskaya I.V.


We present some fragments from the forthcoming book “Academician A.A.Borissiak and his family in Saint-Petersburg, Petrograd, and Leningrad”, written by I.V.Bodylevskaya and based on the correspondence of family members. This is a story about the beginning of the scientific activity of the academician, about his family and daily rounds of a scientist at the end of the XIX century.
Priroda. 2022;(11):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Kuhl’s Pipistrelle “Stopped” an Airliner in Astrakhan

Zabashta A.V., Smirnov D.G.


Wildlife collisions with aircrafts accompanied aviation since the very beginning of its development. The first incidents of bird collisions with aircrafts were recorded already at the beginning of the last century, while the first bat collisions with aircrafts have been mentioned only since the 1940s. The nocturnal and secretive lifestyle of bats makes it much more difficult to determine even the species composition of this order at airports, not to mention a detailed study of applied aspects related to aviation. The article describes an accidental collision of Kuhl’s pipistrelle weighing no more than 10 g with an aircraft, which led to the forced stop of a huge Airliner.
Priroda. 2022;(11):63-65
pages 63-65 views


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“May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and the beard” — the first known sentence in Canaanite alphabetical script (66). Earth’s first known mass extinction happened 550 million years ago (67). Blue whales may consume up to 40 kg of microplastics a day (68).
Priroda. 2022;(11):66-69
pages 66-69 views


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Физиология человека и животных. РУКОВОДСТВО К ПРАКТИЧЕСКИМ ЗАНЯТИЯМ ПО ПАТОФИЗИОЛОГИИ: учебное пособие / Отв. ред.: А.А.Каменский, О.С.Тарасова. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2022. 180 с. Садоводство, виноградарство. ПОМОЛОГИЯ УРАЛА: СОРТА ПЛОДОВЫХ, ЯГОДНЫХ КУЛЬТУР И ВИНОГРАДА / Отв. ред. С.А.Макаренко. М.: Наука, 2022. 506 с. Геофизика / Океанология. ГЕОЛОГО-ГЕОФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ И ОКЕАНОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ЗАПАДНОЙ ЧАСТИ ЮЖНО-КИТАЙСКОГО МОРЯ И ПРИЛЕГАЮЩЕГО КОНТИНЕНТА (ПО РЕЗУЛЬТАТАМ 88 РЕЙСА НИС «АКАДЕМИК М.А.ЛАВРЕНТЬЕВ» И БЕРЕГОВЫМ ЭКСПЕДИЦИЙ 2010–2020) / Гл. ред. Р.Б.Валитов, отв. ред. Н.С.Ли, Нгуен Хоан, Фун Ван Фать. М.: ГЕОС, 2021. 414 с. Палеонтология / Эмбриология / Морфология. ЭВОЛЮЦИОННАЯ И ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ МОРФОЛОГИЯ ПОЗВОНОЧНЫХ. Материалы II Всероссийской конференции и школы для молодых ученых памяти Феликса Яновича Дзержинского / Отв. ред. А.Б.Поповкина. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2022. 351 с.
Priroda. 2022;(11):70-72
pages 70-72 views

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