Joule—Lenz Law: Faces, Ideas, and Experiments




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The history of the discovery of the law of heating effect of an electric current is considered. The contribution of two authors of the law— the English physicist James Joule and the Russian physicist Emilia Lenz — is compared. For both Joule and Lenz, the establishment of the law was preceded by a period of fascination with designing electric motors. It is emphasized that for Joule the discovery of the law of heating effect of an electric current was the beginning of experiments to determine the mechanical equivalent of heat. Joule’s experiments with induction currents were of great importance for understanding the law of heating effect of a current. Joule’s active participation in the work of scientific societies is noted.


B. Bulyubash

Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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