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卷 32, 编号 1 (2021)


Features of the course of cardiovascular pathology and type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with COVID-19

Polozova E., Skvortsov V., Chegodaeva L., Kurkina N., Prokhorova T., Al-Zakhar N., Nefedov N.


Acute respiratory viral diseases, including coronavirus disease, cause the progression of pre-existing chronic non-infectious diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The emergence of life-threatening complications against the background of a new coronavirus infection makes it necessary to study the features of the course of cardiovascular pathology and type 2 diabetes mellitus in conditions of this pathology. The regularities of the course of CVD and DM, as well as the development of complications in patients with COVID-19, are currently not completely established. The article provides an overview of the literature on the features of the course of cardiovascular pathology and type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with COVID-19. The issue of the possibility of using drug therapy in patients with cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 is being discussed.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Analysis of the efficiency and safety of using the slow-release calcium channel blocker nifedipine as a tocolytic drug in pregnant women with preterm labor

Akopov K., Zhukova E., Sokova E., Chilova R.


Preterm labor (PL) remains one of the major problems of modern obstetrics all over the world, which is due to the unresolved issues concerning etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and rational pharmacotherapy. PL complications are the main cause of neonatal death worldwide; with the surviving infants facing the risk of serious neonatal complications and long-term disability. In the course of prioritization work, the WHO has placed PL in the top 10 research priorities for the period up to 2025. The investigations aimed at preventing PL and reducing perinatal mortality are also a key component of the UN global strategy for sustainable development until 2030. The development and introduction of technologies for personalized medicine are ways to optimize tocolytic therapy in pregnant women with PL, which are regulated in the Russian Strategy for the Development of Medical Science until 2025.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):9-13
pages 9-13 views

Arterial hypertension as a problem of medical prevention

Amlaev K.


The article contains information about the epidemiology of arterial hypertension and its pathogenesis. Attention is paid to the method of correct measurement of blood pressure, factors that determine its variability. Gender features of arterial hypertension and various variants of the course of the disease are considered. The necessity of lifestyle modification and correction of risk factors (obesity, tobacco Smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.) was noted.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Coccygodynia: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment

Yarikov A., Perlmutter O., Sosnin A., Leonov V., Fraerman A., Mukhin A., Pardaev S.


Coccygodynia is a pain syndrome that develops in the coccygeal region and is one of the causes of pelvic pain. Coccygodynia is divided into primary (caused by trauma), and secondary (associated with pelvic or abdominal visceral diseases). Material and methods. The paper considers the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, and diagnosis of coccygodynia. Its diagnosis is based on a neurological assessment, physical examination, and instrumental studies. Results. The authors considered current coccygodynia treatments including conservative therapy (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, manual therapy, etc.) and local injection therapy (sacrococcygeal disk block, unpaired ganglion thermocoagulation). Different methods for coccygectomy were shown. Conclusion. In their article, the authors have presented their own algorithm for the treatment and diagnosis of coccygodynia, which makes it possible to achieve 100% efficiency in treating coccygeal pain.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Prediction of suboptimal cytoreduction in advanced ovarian cancer

Syrkashev E., Solopova A.


Epithelial ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cause of death in women in developed countries. The 5-year survival rate is 92% for a localized process and 29% for patients with advanced disease with peritoneal metastases. The standard treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer is primary cytoreduction followed by platinum-based chemotherapy. When it is impossible, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is performed. Purpose of the study. Comparative evaluation of MRI and MSCT in identifying peritoneal distant spread in OC with determination of the most informative method for predicting suboptimal cytoreduction. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of visual diagnostic results and surgical treatment of 46 women with OC. Before primary cytoreduction, all patients underwent mp-MRI (22) and MSCT (27). The local distribution and the presence of secondary spread were evaluated. For each method the diagnostic information for predicting suboptimal cytoreduction were analyzed and ROC AUC analysis was performed. Results. In 15.2% (7) of cases, stage IIIa / b was established, in 52.2% (24) - IIIc and in 32.6% (15) - IVstage of the disease (FIGO). High grade serous carcinoma was observed in 91.3% (42), and low grade - in 8.7% (4). The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in determining secondary spread for MSCT were 0.65, 0.96, and 0.85, for MRI - 0.85, 0.89 and 0.87. The positive and negative predictive value of MSCT is 0.91 and 0.79, MRI is 0.91 and 0.87. Complete cytoreduction was performed in 34 (73.9%) cases, optimal - in 7 (15.2%), non-optimal - in 5 (10.9%) cases (including 2 with vital indications). The area under curve for MRI in predicting suboptimal cytoreduction by the sum of points ranged from 0.81 (according to ESMO/ ESGO criteria) to 0.85. The ROC AUC based on the naive Bayesian classifier model was 0.88, which reflects the advantage of the weighted estimate of predictors based on their significance over the score Conclusions. MRI is superior to MSCT in the diagnostic informativeness of determining secondary spread of ovarian cancer. MRI has higher sensitivity for determining tumor metastases at the level of the most significant localizations from the point of view of cytoreductive intervention according to ESMO / ESGO data. The scale for assessing the respectability on the diagnostic criteria developed was superior to the approach based on the ESMO / ESGO criteria in its predictive accuracy.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):23-28
pages 23-28 views

Protein-energy malnutrition in chronic kidney disease

Zueva T., Urazlina S., Zhdanova T.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) creates a pathological environment with metabolic disorders that affect nutrient intake, metabolism, and energy expenditure, leading to malnutrition and increasing the risk of morbidity and mortality. Successful management of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in patients with CKD requires a comprehensive approach to assessment and therapeutic intervention. This needs a deep understanding of the complex mechanisms involved in the development of protein energy depletion and malnutrition in CKD. This literature review deals with the topical issues of malnutrition in CKD: epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic methods, outcomes, and treatment principles.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):29-36
pages 29-36 views

The importance of pregravid preparation for improving perinatal outcomes in patients with a history of placenta-related pregnancy complications

Sidelnikova M., Alekseenkova M., Panina O.


Studies of the efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) used in patients with a history of placenta-related pregnancy complications (PRPC) and the impact of this therapy on perinatal and long-term child development outcomes are presented by small cohort studies that are rather heterogeneous and do not answer the question of whether LMWH therapy is necessary at the pregravid stage. Objective. To evaluate the impact of pregravid preparation using LMWH in women with a history of PRPC on pregnancy course and outcomes and perinatal and long-term child development outcomes. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 89 patients. According to the time of LMWH therapy initiation, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 29 patients who initiated LMWH therapy at the pregravid stage; 2) 30 patients who started this therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy; 3) 30 patients who did this when they developed complications. The effect of the start of therapy on the incidence of PRPC, the course of the early neonatal period, and long-term child development outcomes was evaluated. Results. Combination therapy using LMWH in patients with a history of PRPC leads to a decrease in the frequency of these complications. The efficiency of the therapy depends on the time of drug administration: pregravid preparation is most effective and makes it possible to reduce the frequency and severity of PRPC, perinatal morbidity and mortality rates, and infant morbidity during the first year of life. The therapy that is initiated when the complications manifest is ineffective. Conclusion. Pregravid preparation using LMWH improves perinatal outcomes in patients with a history of PRPC.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Some constitutional features of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis in children (a cross-sectional study)

Balko O., Sapozhnikov V.


Constitutional features are the fundamental basis for the whole body's activity and the fairly stable complex biological characteristic of a person, which determine a variant of an adaptive norm that reflects the reactivity of the organism and resistance to environmental factors. Objective: to investigate the constitutional features of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis in children aged 4-17years. Subjects and methods. The paper presents the results of studying 180 inpatients diagnosed with chronic gastroduodenitis. The age and gender compositions and constitution types were assessed according to the classification proposed by M.V. Chernorutsky (on the basis of the Pigne index). The clinical and anamnestic and laboratory and instrumental features of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis were noted in one or another somatotype. The impact of the constitutional specificity of a patient on the course of the disease was analyzed and evaluated. Results and discussion. Asthenics were found to be more prone to chronic gastroduodenitis than normosthenics and hypersthenics. The asthenics and hypersthenics were prone to superficial gastroduodenitis, while the normosthenics had more severe manifestations as erosive and hypertrophic lesions involving the mucous membrane. The hypersthenics were less susceptible to Helicobacter pylori colonization of the gastric and duodenal mucosa than the asthenics and normostenics. Conclusion. The asthenic constitution type, unlike the normosthenic one, predisposes to the frequent development of chronic gastroduodenitis in children with a mild course of the disease; the hypersthenic constitution type as a whole is a protective factor in the development and course of the disease.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Quality of life in young women with hypertension and an altered hormonal background

Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.


Quality of life (QOL) was studied in 176 hypertensive women in the late fertile period with normal and reduced estradiol levels. The 36-Item Short Form Health Quality Survey was used. QOL was established to be significantly worsened in the hypertensive women in the late fertile period with estrogen deficiency compared with those in the same period with the preserved level of this sex hormone (р<0.05).
Vrach. 2021;32(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Knee joint and patellar joint surface replacement

Kavalersky G., Gritsyuk A., Smetanin S., Lychagin A.


Replacement of knee joint (KJ) is frequently the only effective treatment for its degenerative and dystrophic diseases. However, whether the patellar joint surface should be replaced remains unresolved. The authors analyzed 2 groups of patients (n = 249). During knee arthroplasty, Group 1 of 128 patients underwent patellar joint surface replacement; in Group 2 of 121 patients, surgery was performed without replacing the patellar joint surface. Comparing the two groups showed that patellar joint surface replacement does not improve the outcomes of knee arthroplasty.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Choosing a method of surgical treatment in patients with chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

Remizova E., Mustafaev D., Magomedov M.


Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is a common desease in the practice of maxillofacial surgeon and otorhinolaryngologist. At the same time, despite the improvement of diagnostic and treatment methods, the development of endoscopic technologies, choosing the optimal surgical technique for the treatment of this group of patients remains open. An additional complication is that in a number of patients in this group, dental implantation and surgical preparation for it (sinus-lifting) are included in the plan of dental rehabilitation, which requires the most sparing effect on the maxillary sinus. We have reviewed the most common methods of surgical treatment of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. Fundamentals. Currently, due to the development of modern technologies, endoscopically assisted sinusotomy using various surgical approaches and their combinations is widely used. At the same time, the method of radical sinusotomy gradually loses its relevance due to the high risk of postoperative complications and serious (compared to endoscopic methods) surgical trauma. Conclusions. The use of endoscopic technologies in the surgical treatment of patients with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis provides a low traumatic operation and a shorter period of rehabilitation. For treatment planning and choice of surgical access required to conduct the computer tomography of the paranasal sinuses.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Surgical policy for recurrent acute otitis media

Saidulaev V., Shpotin V., Yunusov A., Mukhtarov K.


Recurrent acute otitis media is understood to be an inflammatory process in the middle ear, which recurs several times (as many as 5-6 times) per year. The transition of acute otitis media into recurrent otitis media is facilitated by middle ear ventilation tube block due to persistent mucous membrane swelling and granulation tissue growth in the aditus. The paper analyzes the results of surgical treatment in patients with recurrent acute otitis media. Subjects and methods. Nine patients diagnosed with recurrent acute otitis media were operated on in February 2018 to March 2019. In addition to revision and removal of pathologically altered tissues, surgical intervention was to create new ventilation tubes. Results. All the 9 cases had no pathological changes at 12 months after surgery, as evidenced by otoendoscopy, otomicroscopy, and temporal bone computed tomography (CT). The latter showed that the airiness of the antromastoid and tympanic cavities and the tympanic mouth of the auditory tube was preserved, which pointed to the sufficient functioning of the newly created ventilation tubes. Conclusion. If there are no effects of medical treatment and bypass grafting of the tympanic cavity in patients with recurrent acute otitis media, it is advisable to perform surgical treatment to create additional of middle ear ventilation tubes, which yields a stable clinical result.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):60-62
pages 60-62 views

Infection and its role in the causes of preterm birth

Shalina R., Spiridonov D., Plekhanova E., Breusenko L., Borisov Y.


In recent years, the results of a number of studies on the problem of preterm birth have been published. It supposed that the rate of preterm birth should have reduced. Despite this, infection factors still contribute significantly to the structure of the causes of preterm birth. The aim of our study was to determine the role of infection in the structure of premature birth causes. A retrospective analysis of the course of pregnancy, delivery, complications in children at a level 1 unit was carried out in 276 patients with a gestational age of 22.0 to 34.6 weeks. Special attention was paid to various methods of infection diagnosis and its influence on the mother and fetus. Upon admission to the hospital, all patients underwent an assessment of the flora of the vagina and cervical canal by the bacterioscopic and cultural method, also by the method of polymerase chain reaction (qualitative PCR). To identify the role of infection in the genesis of extremely preterm birth in 196 (71.0%) children from 22.0 to 27.8 weeks, the bacterial spectrum of the flora was studied (sampling of material from the pharynx, anus; blood culture), a morphological study of the placentas was carried out. In preterm labor complicated by preterm premature rupture of membranes, a high rate (88.7%) of intrauterine infection and the presence of signs of inflammation (92.3%) in fetuses was revealed during post mortem examination. Analyzing the infection factor in newborns, in 81.6% opportunistic (58.8%) and pathogenic (41.2%) flora was detected. At the same time, only 36.0% showed a correspondence between the identified flora in mothers and children. In the absence of pathological flora and clinical symptoms of infection in the mothers 22.6% of children were born with intrauterine infection. It was noted that among the patients with the onset of preterm labor, in most of the results (91.2%), there was no lactobacilli domination that heads antimicrobial protection, while normally in the vaginal microbiota their number should reach up to 80.0%. It was shown that in order to objectify the infection factor in the genesis of preterm labor, it is necessary to introduce a new method for identifying the specific representatives of normo- and opportunistic vaginal biota - polymerase chain reaction (with real-time detection). Along with antibiotics, probiotics should be included in the treatment of preterm labor.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):62-70
pages 62-70 views

The pattern of neurological syndromes in patients with HIV-associated brain diseases

Kaplitsky A.


The case histories of 111 patients with HIV-associated brain diseases who died during the period in 2016 to 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the nosologies of HIV-associated brain diseases, the author identified the following groups of patients without HIV-associated brain diseases: meningoencephalitis; tuberculous brain lesion; combined brain lesion; cerebral toxoplasmosis; HIV-associated encephalopathy; and cerebral lymphoma. Meningeal syndrome and general cerebral symptoms were found to be prevalent among all neurological syndromes. In particular, moderate meningeal syndrome prevailed among the patients with meningeal syndrome and stupor among those with depression of consciousness. Among motor and cognitive impairments, there was a preponderance of moderate and severe disorders. Convulsive syndrome was most rarely noted. The groups with meningoencephalitis, tuberculous brain lesion, or combined brain lesions showed the largest number of cases with meningeal syndrome and general cerebral symptoms. The cerebral toxoplasmosis group was observed to have the highest rates of pyramidal syndrome, speech disorders, cranial nerve damage, and pelvic organ dysfunctions.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Antiageism as the modern paradigm clinical medicine and healthcare

Mezinovskiy Y., Mezinovsky A., Kuzminov O.


Ageism has a negative impact on human health. It is a form of human discrimination. At the same time, anti-aging is developing, which is gradually becoming a paradigm of clinical medicine and health care, aimed at maintaining good functionality at any age in the context of the concept of healthy aging.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):74-80
pages 74-80 views

Introduction of the mobile application WHO ICOPE Handbook App in the practice of primary care physicians

Alekhina A., Silyutina M., Chernov A., Testova S., Romanova M.


The article presents an analytical and scientific-methodological review devoted to a new stage of development of gerontology and geriatrics in Russia; substantiates the relevance of creating a system of geriatric care as an important component of state policy in the field of improving the quality of life of older citizens; substantiates the use of digital technologies in the process of modernizing social support for older citizens in order to early detect diseases, prolong the period of their life activity and increase life expectancy; the need to change the approach to the examination of older citizens is shown; the relevance of functional ability screening in patients over 65 years of age is considered; the primary screening model is tested using an innovative mobile application developed by WHO.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):80-83
pages 80-83 views

The use of an intensive functioning system in medical organizations

Dontsov V., Dontsova E., Novikova L.


When reforming public health, only its structural part often undergoes changes, the technological and functional parts do not receive enough attention, as a consequence the reforms do not give the expected effect. The forensic medical service can serve as an experimental base for testing innovations in the organization of public health without patient harm in healthcare facilities. Systems for the forensic medical service have been developed, which can be introduced into the practice of different units of a multidisciplinary hospital after easy adaptation to specific conditions.
Vrach. 2021;32(1):84-87
pages 84-87 views