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卷 32, 编号 11 (2021)


The structure of mortality and potential years life lost from respiratory diseases of the population of economically active age (15-72 years) of the Russian Federation in 2019

Bolotova E., Samorodskaya I., Dudnikova A.


Goal. Analysis of the nosological structure of the main causes of death and (PYLL) In the economically active age In the respiratory disease (RD) in the Russian Federation In 2019. Material and methods. The study used Rosstat data obtained at the request of the NMIC TPM on the average annual population and the number of deaths In one-year age groups based on the «Brief nomenclature of Causes of death of Rosstat» (KNPSR) In 2019 The analysis includes 17 «reasons» that are taken Into account In a separate line in this nomenclature. Mortality rates and PYLL were calculated for the economically active age (15-72years) using the computer program No. 216661114. Results Among the population of economically active age, malignant neoplasms (MN) of the respiratory organs accounted for 51,36% of male deaths in the RD class and 42,17% of female deaths. The share of PYLL is 40,3% and 32,1%, respectively. Acute respiratory diseases (A RD), Including influenza, pneumonia and pumlent necrotic diseases occupied the 2-nd place both in the structure of MR (21% for men and 28% for women, respectively), and PYLL (31 and 37%, respectively), chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) - the 3-rd place in the stmcture of PS (13%). Higher MR values were found In men compared to women: In the group of MN by 5.8 times, COPD and tuberculosis by 4,7 times, acute respiratory infections, Including influenza, pneumonia and purulent necrotic diseases, by 3,6 times. The indicators of PYLL in men were higher than in women: in the group of RD by 5,5 times, COPD and tuberculosis by 4,3 times, acute respiratory infections, including influenza, pneumonia and purulent necrotic diseases, by 3,6 times. Conclusions. In addition to MN and COPD, ARD makes a significant contribution to the mortality from RD at an economically active age. Acute respiratory infections and tuberculosis play a great role in the structure of PYLL. MR and PYLL from are significantly higher among men than among women. The use of PYLL is important for an adequate assessment of the significance of losses, especially for young people In the category of preventable causes of death.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The incidence of respiratory diseases during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the Russian Federation

Shastin A., Bushueva T., Gazimova V., Obukhova T., Zhdanov A.


Diseases of class ICD-10 X (J00-J99) «Diseases of the respiratory system» are the leading cause of primary morbidity In the population and morbidity with temporary disability among workers. The study of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Incidence rates of certain respiratory diseases In the population of Russia Is a relevant task. Object. To establish the change in the Indicators of the primary Incidence of respiratory diseases as a whole In the Russian Federation and in Individual constituent entitles of the Russian Federation during the pandemic of the new coronavlms infection COVID-19 in relation to the Indicators of 2019. Materials and methods. Official statistical data on the Incidence of the adult population of Russia were analyzed and changes In Indicators of individual diseases and groups of diseases of the ICD-1 OX (J00-J99) class «Respiratory diseases» for 2019-2020 were determined In Russia as a whole and In all constituent entitles of the Russian Federation. Results. The change In the level of primary morbidity for Individual diseases and groups of diseases Is multidirectional. Conclusion. The share of respiratory diseases In the structure of primary morbidity In the adult population as a whole In the Russian Federation Increased from 30.0% to 36.9%. The most significant increase In the primary morbidity rates of the adult population with pneumonia and acute obstructive laryngitis (croup) and epiglottitis, where an Increase In the Incidence rate In the whole of the Russian Federation by 275.7% and 176.7% was registered In 2020. The decrease In the level of primary morbidity of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) In the Russian Federation In common was 20.9%. An abnormally high difference In the Incidence rates In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by groups of diseases and by Individual requires additional study of the epidemiological situation and the procedure for recording diseases with a diagnosis detected for the first time In life.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):11-17
pages 11-17 views

Targeted therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus: present and future

Kunitskaya N.


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune systemic disease, the pathogenesis of which is based on defects in immunoregulation, leading to uncontrolled hyperproduction of autoanbbodies to the components of their own tissues and the development of chronic inflammation affecting many organs and systems. The close interest in SLE over the past decades has allowed us to improve the methods of diagnosing the disease, but the management of patients continues to be a difficult task. The development of treatment methods is hampered primarily by the unknown etiology of the disease, the large variability of clinical manifestations, the possibility of both long-term spontaneous remissions and malignant, rapidly progressing, sometimes lightning-fast course. To control the disease, almost the entire arsenal of anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic dmgs existing in medicine is currently used, the use of which has significantly improved the prognosis of patients lives. Current treatments aim to suppress autoimmune inflammation, prevent relapses, and reduce clinical symptoms in order to prevent permanent organ damage. This review highlights the immune mechanisms that prevail In new targeted treatments for SLE.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy: history and development prospects

Glushkov P., Azimov R., Shemyatovsky K., Gorskiy V.


The history of thyroid surgery is Inextricably linked with the formation of general surgical principles and owes Its success not only to the pioneers who boldly take their first scientifically based steps, but also to Instrumental and anesthesiologlcal support that allows operations to be performed safely and effectively. As with any history, thyroid surgery had Its own misconceptions, mistakes, and successes, behind which there are not only the names of famous physicians, but also the lives of patients. This literature review presents a historical sketch of the development of thyroid surgery from its first mention to Its further development prospects.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):23-26
pages 23-26 views

The role of nosological entity registries in assessing the quality of healthcare in case of oncology

Efremov S., Karimova A., Petkau V.


The paper analyzes the current status of the population-based cancer registry in Russia and the ways of its transformation from a static formal reporting tool Into a complex problem solving one assessing the efforts of regional and federal authorities to improve the populatiorts health.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):27-28
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Time course of changes in the list of drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 in the temporary guidelines

Shirobokov Y., Gladunova E., Borodulina E., Kudlaf D., Povalyaeva L.


To identify the features of treatment for coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the authors have analyzed changes in the list of drugs and treatment regimens described in the temporary clinical guidelines.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):29-34
pages 29-34 views

COVID-19 and pneumocystis pneumonia in a patient with HIV infection

Povalyaeva L., Sukhanova A., Yakovleva E., Borodulin B., Ushmodina O., Peshkova L.


Changes in lung tissue like ground-glass opacities are typical for many lung diseases, but in modern conditions, the main diagnosis in identifying increasing respiratory symptoms with a change on CTis the diagnosis «New coronavirus infection COVID-19, Bilateral polysegmental viral pneumonia”. The existing danger of «missing» another diagnosis is very high. Opportunities for high-quality differential diagnostics are significantly reduced. The aim Is to show a clinical example of the comorbidity of a viral Infection In a patient with HIV infection with severe immunodeficiency. Materials and methods. The clinical example from the practice of the COVID-19 Is presented. Results. In a patient with a typical course of COVID-19, negative dynamics appeared during long-term treatment on day 37. Examination revealed an increase In symptoms and lung damage up to 85%. Further examination revealed HIV Infection for the first time, confirmed by immunoblot at the stage of severe immunodeficiency (CD4 20 cells/pl). Pneumocystis pneumonia has been diagnosed. The patient died, although the treatment was carded out In full. Conclusion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is the possibility of a comorbid COVID-19 disease and other diseases that also have a ground-glass opacities.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Acute viral herpetic encephalitis complicated by brain swelling, cerebral coma, and episyndrome (symptomatic syndrome) in the presence of aspiration pneumonia: the impact of treatment policy on the time course of changes in a patient's condition (a clinical case)

Ponomarev A., Mamedova T., Zachepa A., Usutina O., Lebedeva E., Kravchenko E.


The authors review modern methods for therapy In patients with herpetic encephalitis, as well as their own clinical case of a 22-year-old female patient with viral encephalitis, cerebral coma, and episyndrome (symptomatic syndrome) complicated by bilateral community-acquired polysegmental pneumonia, who was admitted to the hospital with suspected community-acquired COVID-19 pneumonia. The paper reflects the time course of changes In her status according to the treatment policy and shows the complexity of timely diagnosis and adequate therapy of herpetic encephalitis In the presence of community-acquired pneumonia of Initially unknown genesis. This case clearly shows how rehydration Is substituted for dehydration, by correcting fluid and electrolyte balance, how antiviral and antibacterial therapies are properly corrected, how parenteral feeding Is switched to full tube feeding, avoiding metabolic medication polypharmacy, applying an alternative approach to resolving cerebral edema, by prescribing a angloprotector with a decongestant effect could qualitatively change the patients condition.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):38-44
pages 38-44 views

Phenotypes of asthma in women of childbearing age

Lavrova O., Petrova M., Georgieva L.


The ways for the development of severe asthma in young people cannot be considered to have been fully studied at present. Objective: to analyze the etlopathogenetlc features and nature of asthma during pregnancy In 2440 asthmatic women of childbearing age. Subjects and methods. A clinical and functional examination and follow-up were performed In 2440 pregnant asthmatic women of childbearing age. Results The allergic mechanism for asthma development prevailed in women of childbearing age. With the addition of an aspirin mechanism and in the presence of a purely aspirin mechanism, the severity of the disease Increased substantially. Chronic polypous rhinosinusltis was an additional aggravating factor for asthma. The highest average number of eosinophilic leukocytes was determined In the group of patients with an aspirin mechanism. The greatest increase In Immunoglobulin E levels was seen In the group with an allergic mechanism of the disease. The analysis of the nature of complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the status of newborns revealed no features In patients with the mechanism of aspirin-induced asthma. Conclusion. The treatment of patients with asthma, especially with Its severe course, should be performed, by taking Into account the mechanisms of this disease and Include targeted therapy drugs.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):45-49
pages 45-49 views

The use of recombinant activated factor VII in the treatment of postoperative bleedings in children with congenital heart defects

Kostromin A., Petrushenko D., Nurmeev I., Zainetdinovа Е., Valiullin L., Galieva L., Malgina L.


The early postoperative period of patients after the correction of congenital heart defects under cardiopulmonary bypass is accompanied by an Increased risk of Needing. There is evidence of the effectiveness of recomNnant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) in the treatment of massive perioperative Needing In children with congenital heart defects. The aim of the retrospective study was to study the experience of using rFVIIa In the treatment of hypocoagulant postoperative bleeding In children with congenital heart defects. Materials and methods The analysis of the results of diagnostics and surgical treatment of 34 children aged 1 day to 17.5 years for congenital heart defects was carried out. The data of clinical observation and laboratory research were used. The Introduction of rFVIIa was performed in the presence of severe postoperative bleeding with a Nood loss rate of more than 3 ml/kg/h and signs of hypocoagulatlon. Results. In all patients, postoperative bleeding was stopped. In all age groups, except for the age of 3-7years, a significant decrease In the volume of bleeding was obtained with the relative time pdnt of rFVIIa administration. Complications and deaths were not observed. Conclusions The use of the rFVIIa preparation Is effective in the treatment of hypocoagulant postoperative Needing In children with congenital heart defects after corrective Interventions under cardiopulmonary bypass. There were no complications and side effects of the drug, which Indicates the safety of therapy.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Molecular markers for injury to the dentofacial system in children with chronic kidney disease

Morozova N., Mamedov A., Lakomova D., Zakharova N., Maltseva L., Bovskaya A., Morozova O.


Chronic kidney disease CKD) is a lesion of the organ, which Is based on the replacement of the parenchyma by scar tissue with a progressive dedine In Its function. Uremic toxins lead to injury to the dentofadal system (DFS). Objective: to analyze the patterns of changes in salivary blomarkers In children with CKD. Subjects and methods Examinations were made In 76 children, Including 19 healthy Individuals and 57 patients with DFS abnormalities In the presence of CKD. The patients were divided Into groups: 1)19 children with congenital urinary tract anomalies, acquired kidney disease, and Stage 1-2 CKD, who took medications; 2) 19 children with end-stage CKD, who received renal replacement therapy as hemodialysis: 3) 19 children after kidney transplantation; 4) 19 practically healthy children without kidney disease, who were stratified by gender and age (a control group). All the children underwent a standard set of dental examination, including determination of the level of salivary Nomarkers of angiogenesis (VEGF-A) and fibrogenesis (TGF~pi). Results Group 1 children were found to have a carious pathology In the oral cavity: Groups 2 and 3 had noninflammatory and atrophic changes In soft tissues and osteodystrophic damage to hard dental tissues. The study of salivary VEGF-A could establish a significantly reduced level of this marker in children with end-stage CKD. Conclusion. There was an association between the severity and clinical forms of DFS pathology in the presence of CKD and the nature of salivary changes in angio-and fibrogenesis.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Interrelation of hair elements' content with co-occurring somatic conditions in children with autism spectrum disorder

Chernova L., Skalny A.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a heterogenous group of neurodevelopmental disorders associated with distinct somatic comorbidities. The core symptoms of ASD in children are often aggravated by co-occurrlng conditions and require the awareness of pediatricians and other specialists. Imbalance of elements are currently considered as one of the possible etiopathogenetlc factors of ASD and comorbid conditions. Elements plays crucial role in the formation and development of the child body. They act as cofactors of a number of enzymes, providing the functioning of various metabolic pathways. The study analyzed the structure of somatic symptoms In 62 children (45 boys, 17 girls) 1-13years old with ASD (F.84) confirmed by a psychiatrist and compared It with hair elements! levels. Correlation analysis using nonparametric methods was used to study the relationship between the hair elements' content and various somatic conditions in children with ASD. Thus, musculoskeletal diseases correlated with the hair level of potassium (r=-0.284; p=0.05), calcium (r=0.251; p=0.05) and copper (f=0.281; p=0.05), cardiovascular diseases correlated with the hair level of sodium (f =-0.260; p=0.05), pathology of respiratory tract correlated with the hair level of selenium (r=0.295; p=0.05), genitourinary diseases correlated with the hair level of iodine (r=0.375; p=0.01) and silicon (r=0265; p=0.05), endocrine pathology correlated with the hair level of calcium (r=0.309; p=0.05) and zinc (r=0.270; p=0.05), Immunopathology correlated with the hair level of vanadium (r=0.252; p=0.05), and allergic pathology correlated with the hair level of nickel (r=0.346; p=0.01) and aluminum (r=0.251; p=0.05). The revealed correlations between the hair elements' content and various somatic conditions confirm the effect of elemental metabolism on health status of children with ASD.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Bronchial deformity in bronchoscopic practice

Shteiner M., Biktagirov Y., Zhestkov A., Korymasov E., Krivoshchekov E., Babanov S., Lavrentyeva N., Kibardin A.


The incidence and endobronchial symptoms of bronchial deformities were studied using the materials of 7323 (100%) primary therapeutic and diagnostic bronchoscopies made in the Endoscopy Unit, Samara City Hospital Four, and in the intensive care unit. A total of 114 (1.557%) patients with bronchial deformity were identified. Visual bronchologlcal examination on the basis of medical records and data from a previous chest radiation examination could establish the etiology of bronchial deformity only in 28 (0.323%) cases. A special algorithm for additional diagnostic endobronchial manipulations has been proposed for the etiological verification of bronchial deformity. When the etiology of the latter is not established, the statement«cicatricial bronchial deformity» is best avoided. These diagnostic situations are proposed to define as «bronchial deformity requiring morphological and bacteriological evaluation».
Vrach. 2021;32(11):66-69
pages 66-69 views

An oral fixed-dose combination of paracetamol and tramadol in surgical and traumatology practice: efficacy and safety

Mymrina A., Mugatasimov I., Shapkina V., Golubev E., Aksenov А., Povetyev A.


Objective; to compare the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of the combined drug Paracetamol 325 mg + Tramadol 37.5 mg produced by the AO «Organlka» (Novokuznetsk) and 2 ml of Tramadol 50 mg/ml solution for Injection In the postoperative period In adult patients with pain syndrome (PS) of moderate and high Intensities. Subjects and methods. The Investigation enrolled 115 patients over 18years of age with PS In the early postoperative period. The patients were divided Into groups according to the results of the postoperative history: the presence or absence of dyspeptic disorders. A control group Included 55 patients with symptoms of nausea and vomiting; they were prescribed Injectable Tramadol 50 mg/ml solution for Injections. A study group consisted of 60 patients without dyspeptic disorders who were prescribed the combined drug Paracetamol 325 mg + Tramadol 37.5 mg film-coated tablets. Its dally and single doses were Individually adjusted according to the Instruction. The efficiency of analgesic therapy was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain Intensity. Results and discussion. The duration of anesthesia varied from 1 to 20 days (an average of 4.32 days) according to pathology. The groups did not statistically differ In gender, age, and concomitant pathology. The patients' mean age was 48.33years (50.28 years In the study group and 46.2 years In the control group). Effective pain relief was achieved In 100% of cases; after taking the anesthetic, the MS scores varied from 0 to 11n both groups. There were no statistically significant differences In the results of analgesic therapy between the groups before and after taking the painkiller. This study Indicated no adverse reactions from the use of tramadol In patients taking the combined drug (Paracetamol + Tramadol). It should be noted that the use of the combined drug for pathology of trauma can significantly reduce the dally dose of tram add, which contributes to the Increased safety of patient management In the postoperative period. Conclusion. The fixed combination Paracetamol 325 mg + Tramadol 37.5 mg produced by the AO «Organika» (Novokuznetsk) allows for the effective and safe therapy of moderate and high PS Intensity and Is an alternative to the Invasive dosage forms of anesthetic drugs, while significantly reducing the manifestations of their side effects.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Analysis of the efficacy of Osteomed and Osteomed Forte in the treatment of osteoporotic fractures of various localization

Dedov D.


The paper an oven/iew of Russian and foreign publications on the analysis of the efficiency of complex treatment of patients with osteoporotic fractures of various localization when using the drugs Osteomed and Osteomed Forte.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):73-75
pages 73-75 views

Use of high-quality natural dietary supplements as accompanying therapy in patients during radical radiotherapy and chemotherapy for urological cancer

Ganov D.


The Investigation enrolled 60 patients with a diagnosed localized, locally advanced or metastatic tumor. The patients were divided Into 2 groups matched by age, sex, disease stage, and nature of therapy: 1) 30 patients received BloChaga (Inonotus Obllquus) and BloDIhydroquercetln In addition to basic therapy (a study group): 2) 30 patients had standard therapy only (a comparison group). Additional Intake of BloDIhydroquercetln and BloChaga was shown to reduce the Incidence of severe complications, to Improve the quality of life and the tolerance of special treatment In patients with proven prostate cancer who received external beam radiation therapy according to the radical program and In those with bladder and penile cancer.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Anniversary Vladimir Khatskelevich Khavinson

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Vrach. 2021;32(11):80-82
pages 80-82 views

The effects of glycine and lisinopril on anxiety, the social functioning of young males with hypertension and androgen deficiency

Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.


Psychoemotional disorders worsen the course of somatic diseases. The presence of anxiety in males with hypertension and androgen deficiency complicates the course of comorbidity and serves as a risk factor for premature death, worse prognosis, and poorer social functioning in these patients. Complex pathophysiology requires adequate antihypertensi ve and psychocorrective therapy. Glycine and lisinoptil therapy has been found to have a positive effect on the psychological state of patients with hypertension and androgen deficiency and the social aspects Ы their lives.
Vrach. 2021;32(11):83-86
pages 83-86 views

In memory of Igor Nikolaevich Denisov

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Vrach. 2021;32(11):87-87
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