Role of a comprehensive pregravid preparation program for obese women in the prevention of gestational complications

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Objective. To determine the effectiveness of a comprehensive pregravid preparation program on the basis of studying the features of the course of pregnancy in obese women. Subjects and methods. Examinations were made in 118 reproductive-aged women who were permanent residents in the city of Perm. A study group consisted of 36 patients who underwent a comprehensive pregnancy preparation program (diet therapy, replenishment of macro- and micronutrients: vitamin D, folic acid, iodine, iron, and an anti-obesity drug combination of sibutramine + metformin). Comparison and control groups included women who were unprepared for pregnancy: the comparison group comprised 62 obese patients; the control group consisted of 20 non-obese women. Results. The study group showed an 8.3% weight loss. No reproductive losses were recorded in this group. It was established that threatened miscarriage was diagnosed in 10/32 (34.4%) patients who had received no pregravid preparation and in 7/36 (19.4%) women of the study group. During pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus developed in 16/32 (50%) women of the comparison group and in 4/36 (11.1%) women of the study group. Placental insufficiency was detected in 8/36 (22.2%) patients who had received pregravid preparation and in 20/32 (62.6%) who had not. Conclusion. The program proposed by the authors for pregravid preparation with the anti-obesity combination medication Reduxin Forte (especially for women with visceral abdominal obesity), vitamin D3, iodine, and folic acid and their recommendations for lifestyle modification significantly prevent gestational complications.

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About the authors

E. L Makarova

City Perinatal Center, M.A. Tverie City Hospital

Cand. Med. Sci. 2, Ignatyev Brothers St., Perm 614600, Russia

A. A Olina

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductology

MD; Professor, Deputy Director of Development 3, Mendeleevskaya Line, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia

N. A Terekhina

Academician E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD; Professor, Head, Department of Biochemistry 28, Petropavlovskaya St., Perm 614990, Russia


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