Investigation of the subacute toxicity (cumulation) of the liquid extract Phytoallergoderm

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Introduction. Atopic dermatitis leads to the development of allergic inflammation that has age-related characteristics of the location and morphology of inflammatory foci, as well as painful itchy skin. The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute has developed the liquid extract Phytoallergoderm for the topical therapy of this disease. Studying the cumulation of the drug assists in determining its damaging effect during repeated injections and in establishing the optimal course of safe medication administration in an inpatient setting. Objective: to investigate the subacute toxicity (cumulation) of the liquid extract Phytoallergoderm. Material and methods. Forty outbred albino mice divided into 2 gender groups were used to investigate the subacute toxicity of the liquid extract, by using the method proposed by R.K. Lim. Before starting the experiment, the liquid extract was dealkylated to eliminate the nonspecific activity of ethyl alcohol that was part of the agent. Results. During the entire (24-day) experiment after dermal application of the liquid extract Phytoallergoderm, there were no statistically significant weight changes in the experimental animals versus the intact group. During the entire experiment, no deaths of animals were recorded either. The drug was well tolerated during repeated dermal applications. The calculated cumulation coefficient had a value of more than 1, which indicates drug addiction. Conclusion. The liquid extract Phytoallergoderm had practically no cumulative effect when applied to the skin and is well tolerated. The test drug was found to have a potential sedative effect and neurotropic activity.

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About the authors

Bakhtiyor Alisherovich Imamaliev

Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

Ziyoda Turaevna Fayzieva

Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Doctor of Medical Sciences


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