Farmaciya (Pharmacy)

Peer-review scientific and practical medical journal



  • Irina A. Samylina, Doctor of of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the RAS


  • Publishing House «Russkiy Vrach»


  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • Russian Center for Pharmaceutical and Medical-Technical Information


“Farmaciya” (Pharmacy) is a journal that publishes the results of researches in all areas of modern pharmacy. It analyzes problems in the standardization of both synthetic and natural medicaments and in the elaboration of current normative documents assuring the high quality of drugs and gives the latest data on procedures developed to determine them in biological fluids. The journal covers in detail the issues of technology aimed at preparing original agents, including those using nanotechnologies, the translation of ex tempore formulations to industrial production, and the results of pharmacoeconomic and pharmacological studies conducted in both animal experiments and clinical settings.

According to the Decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) the journal "Farmaciya" is included into the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main results of the thesis for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published. Journal "Farmaciya" is included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

According to the data of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU as of February 20, 2014, RISC (Russian Index of Scientific Citation) impact factor of the journal "Farmaciya" amounted to 0,325



  • Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy
  • Organization and economy
  • Technology of medicines
  • Pharmacology: Experiment and clinic
  • Current information
  • Competent opinion
  • Education
  • Homeopathy
  • Literature review

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Vol 73, No 3 (2024)

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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy

Profile of phenolic compounds of the herb of some species of the genus Artemisia L.
Romanteeva Y.V.

Introduction. One of the promising directions in the intensively developing pharmaceutical industry is the study of wild plants closely related to pharmacopoeial species in order to expand the raw material base of medicinal plants. In this aspect, the genus Artemisia L., which is one of the numerous species in the family Asteraceae, is of interest. There are about 800 species of Artemisia in the world flora. Plants of the genus Artemisia L. contain secondary metabolites of various chemical structures, of which phenolic compounds are one of the leading groups. In the Saratov region plants of this genus are poorly studied in terms of chemical composition.

Objective: comparative study of chromatographic profile of extracts of above-ground parts of non-pharmacopoeial Artemisia species growing in Saratov region.

Material and methods. The objects of the study were samples of herbs of A. austriaca Jacq., A. marschalliana Spreng., A. santonica L., А. dracunculus L. collected in 2021 in the Saratov region during the period of mass flowering. Thin-layer chromatography of the extracts was carried out in the solvent system: ethyl acetate – anhydrous methanoic acid – purified water (40:4:6). The adsorption zones were detected by UV light after sequential treatment with 1% solution of diphenylboronic acid aminoethyl ether alcoholic solution and 5% solution of macrogol 400 alcoholic solution.

Results. Chromatographic profiles of extracts of four species of Artemisia growing in the Saratov region were obtained. The study revealed both similarities and differences in the values of retention factors, colouring, intensity of adsorption zones of the tested extracts.

Conclusion. The experimental data obtained represent practical interest in establishing the authenticity of these wormwood species, as well as in standardisation of pharmaceutical phytosubstances based on them.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):5-9
pages 5-9 views
Study of flavonoids profile of linden flowers
Rodin M.N., Bokov D.O., Lazareva N.B.

Introduction. Linden flowers are pharmacopoeial medicinal plant raw materials. It is widely used in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. Despite the high degree of scientific study of this MPRMs, the improvement of approaches to standardization remains a pressing issue.

Objective: study the composition of flavonoids of industrially produced linden flowers, presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Material and methods. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array and tandem quadrupole mass-selective detection in the gradient elution mode was used to analyze flavonoids in industrial samples of linden flowers. Extraction was performed with 70% aqueous methanol in a water bath.

Results. The presence of flavonoids characteristic for linden flowers was confirmed. 13 flavonoids were identified (quercetin-3-rutinosid-7-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-glucoside-7-rhamnoside, tiliroside, rutin, quercetin-3-glucoside, kaempferitrin, kaempferol 3-rutinosid, quercetin-3-arabinoside, astragalin, quercetin 3-rhamnoside, kaempferol 7-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-glucuronide, prunetin-4'-rutinosid).

Conclusion. During the experiment, a flavonoid profile was identified and it is consistent with literature data. When standardizing linden flowers and medicinal herbal preparations based on them, it is recommended to use quercetin and kaempferol derivatives as marker compounds. These compounds are specific and the inclusion of a definition of this group of biologically active compounds in the RD to confirm authenticity seems very relevant when standardizing linden flowers.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):10-14
pages 10-14 views
Features of the chemical composition of some species of Crataegus L. (Rosaceae)
Khasanova S.R., Samylina I.A., Kudashkina N.V., Pavlova A.A., Shubina T.V.

Introduction. Study of non-pharmacopoeia species of Crataegus L. an important task of modern pharmacy. More than 40 wild species of Crataegus L. grow in Russia, and more than 90 species have been introduced. The State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation for hawthorn fruits and flowers uses standardization of flavonoids in terms of hyperoside. However, a number of authors are developing methods for standardization of various raw materials of the genus Crataegus L. for other target substances, for example: vitexin, vitexin-2-rhamnoside, rutin, procyanidins, quercetin, catechin, anthocyanins.

The purpose of the work is to search for differences in the chemical composition of introduced species of the genus Crataegus L. in the conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Material and methods. The objects of the study were shoots of 23 non-pharmacopoeial species of the genus Crataegus L. and shoots of the pharmacopoeial species Crataegus sanguinea Pall., taken for comparative analysis, harvested during the flowering period in 2019–2022 in the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Ufa Federal Research Center" of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Ufa in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Comparative qualitative analysis was carried out by TLC and UV-spectrophotometry.

Results and discussions. As a result of chromatographic studies, it was found that hyperoside and vitexin are present in all the studied species. As a result of the study of UV spectra, it turned out that in 18 studied species of Crataegus L., the maximum absorption was observed at 410± nm, which indicates the predominance of hyperoside, and in other 6 species, the maximum absorption was observed at 396±2 nm, which indicates the predominance of vitexin in raw materials. Comparing the data obtained, it turned out that in the subgenus Americanae, the accumulation of hyperoside is observed in most species – 81% of the studied species, in the subgenus Sanguinea – 50% and in the subgenus Crataegus – 100% of the studied species.

Conclusion. According to the studies obtained, the European species Crataegus L. they accumulate mainly vitexin, and Asian and American species of Crataegus L. – hyperoside. The most promising for further research are C.rivularis, C. calpodendron, C. collina, C. horrida, C. laurentiana, C. pennsylvanica, C. submollis, C. densiflora, C. douglasii, C. macracantha, C. prunifolia.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):15-23
pages 15-23 views
Development and validation of a methodology for the quantitative determination of vitamin D3 in tablets
Gutnova T.S., Kompantsev D.V., Kisieva M.T., Potupchik T.V.

Introduction. The active pharmaceutical substance of the tablets is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), therefore, quantitative analysis methods are being developed to determine it. The methodology given in the general pharmacopoeia article of the OFS was taken as a basis. "Methods of quantitative determination of vitamins" of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XV edition. This article proposes a quantitative analysis of vitamin D3 using the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Goal. Development and validation of a methodology for the quantitative determination of the active pharmaceutical substance vitamin D3 in tablets.

Material and methods. To develop and validate a method for the quantitative determination of vitamin D3 in tablets, a high-performance liquid chromatography method was used: chromatograph Chromosome A02 (Chromosome Engineering, Russia) equipped with an ECD2000 UV detector (ECOM, Czech Republic), a column Luna C18(2) 150×4.6 mm was used for separation. The analysis and validation characteristics were performed in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XV edition.

Results. It was found that during HPLC analysis, the average content of cholecalciferol in the drug was 126.2±3 micrograms/ml (100.9% of the declared value; the relative error of determination was ±2.38%). A validation assessment of the proposed technique was carried out in terms of specificity, linearity, precision (level of convergence), which confirmed its suitability for authenticating and quantifying cholecalciferol in a medicinal product.

Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the possibility of using the method of high-performance liquid chromatography in the isocratic mode for the quantitative determination of the active pharmaceutical substance vitamin D3 in tablets coated with an intestinal soluble shell for the treatment and prevention of vitamin D-dependent nosologies.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):24-32
pages 24-32 views
The composition and content of some vitamins in the leaves of European dewberry (Rubus caesius L.) and aqueous extracts based on them
Ilina M.B., Sergunova E.V.

Introduction. Vitamins play an important role for the normal functioning of the human body. Some of them are synthesized by the microflora in the intestine, but most of them must enter the body from the outside. In addition to food, medicinal plant raw materials are also a source of vitamins. An example of such raw materials are the leaves of European dewberry, which have been little studied at the moment and are of interest for research.

Objective. The study of the composition and content of vitamins in aqueous extraction from the leaves of European dewberry (Rubus caesius L.).

Material and methods. The object of the study was an aqueous extraction from the leaves of European dewberry (infusion), prepared according to the rules for the preparation of infusions and decoctions specified in the GPM. “Infusions and decoctions” SP XV. The detection and quantification of vitamins in the sample was carried out by the HPLC method, according to the GPM. SP XIV on the Waters 1525 chromatograph.

Results and discussion. During the study, 7 compounds were identified in the infusion of European dewberry leaves: vitamin C, vitamin P (rutin), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folic acid). The predominant compound in the studied object was ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the content of which is 67.79 mg%. The vitamin content was recalculated for dry raw materials. It has been shown that the amount of water-soluble vitamins and rutin in the leaves of European dewberry is 11.4 times higher than in the infusion.

Conclusion. The composition and content of vitamins in the aqueous extraction from the leaves of the European dewberry by HPLC were determined. The presence of 5 B vitamins, ascorbic acid and rutin has been proven. This is the first time such research has been conducted. The leaves of the European dewberry are rich in water-soluble vitamins and rutin, and this raw material can be considered as a vitamin remedy.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Organization and economy

Analyzing the Implementation of Remote Consultation in Online Pharmacies
Prosvirkin G.A., Dorofeeva V.V.

Introduction. Digital technologies have been increasingly integrated into the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in enhancing the accessibility of pharmaceutical care. Remote pharmaceutical counseling has emerged as a key service within online pharmacy platforms.

Objective: considering the growing utilization of online pharmacy services in Russia, this study aims to evaluate the adherence of these services to the recommended standards of pharmaceutical counseling.

Materials and methods. The investigation was conducted across eight online pharmacies that offer consultations via their websites and/or mobile applications. To address the study's objective, three distinct scenarios were devised. The first of the scenarios did not contain specific characteristics of the client, the second involved a pediatric case, and the third a pregnancy-related inquiry. A trained «secret shopper» posed as a client to evaluate the counseling sessions.

Results. The study found that in 56.3% of consultations, information about the recommended products was not provided, either in the form of a direct link to a webpage with medical usage instructions or as a written explanation. Clarifications regarding prescriptions, symptoms, other health conditions, or concurrent medication usage were absent in all consultations. However, details such as the child's age and the stage of pregnancy were confirmed in 93.8% and 50% of the cases, respectively.

Conclusion. The analysis indicates a lack of standardized structure in online pharmaceutical consultations. It was noted that professionals do not consistently consider crucial aspects of pharmaceutical counseling that are important to the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):38-42
pages 38-42 views
Ecosystem approach to the management of regional programs of preferential drug provision based on assortment aggregation
Petrov A.L., Nurmamedova E.E., Andrianova G.N.

Введение. Система государственного управления льготным лекарственным обеспечением (ЛЛО) включает нормативное регулирование государственных закупок лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) для нужд федеральных и региональных программ ЛЛО (РЛЛО). Проблема доступности лекарственного обеспечения (ЛО) отдельных категорий граждан и нозологических категорий пациентов решается на основе рационального потребления и финансового обеспечения, актуальным является внедрение новых механизмов ресурсного обеспечения (РО) таких программ. Реализация доступности в рамках территориальной программы государственных гарантий перспективна за счет агрегации ассортимента ЛП субъектов локальной фармацевтической промышленности и внедрения новых платформенных механизмов организации поставок ЛП.

Цель исследования. Оценка организационных, фармакоэкономических и ассортиментных предпосылок экосистемного управления в процессе реализации РЛЛО на основе контрактации агрегированного ассортимента локальных производителей ЛП Уральского федерального округа (УрФО).

Материал и методы. Объектом исследования являлись данные о сводных заявках ЛП, закупаемых по программе РЛЛО «Доступные лекарства», реализуемой Министерством здравоохранения Свердловской области за период 2021–2022 гг., 59 международных непатентованных наименований (МНН) ЛП в форме выпуска; сводный ассортимент предприятий производителей, локализованных в регионах Урала (10 предприятий, 910 торговых наименований (ТН) ЛП); данные о предельных отпускных ценах предприятий производителей ЛП из перечня жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов (ЖНВЛП) в исследуемой группе препаратов (n=59). Проводили экономический анализ цен ЛП – расчет медианных значений выборки ЛП, расчет относительной и абсолютной экономии бюджета поставки ЛП. Для обработки первичных данных использовали программное обеспечение Statistica, MSExcel.

Результаты. Проведено организационно-фармацевтическое обоснование целесообразности агрегации локального лекарственного ассортимента для наполнения офсетных контрактов, в качестве институционального агрегатора предложена платформа территориальной фармацевтической экосистемы. Проведена оценка перспективной экономии регионального бюджета за счет агрегации территориального предложения лекарственных средств на примере УрФО и Свердловской области, в результате чего определен потенциал экономии областного бюджета при локализации выделенного ассортимента в объеме 14,06 млн руб. в год. Проведено исследование структуры локальной ассортиментной матрицы ЛП для программы РЛЛО: показан высокий потенциал вовлеченности отдельных производителей в программы РО, выделены 3 нозологических сегмента ЛП с максимальным потенциалом агрегации.

Заключение. Проведена оценка организационно-фармакоэкономических и ассортиментных предпосылок экосистемного управления территориальной системой гарантированного ЛО на основе расширения функционала государственно-частного партнерства: показана целесообразность агрегации ассортимента ЛП для программы Свердловской области «Доступные лекарства» с потенциальной экономией 14,06 млн руб в год, определены ключевые нозологические сегменты ЛП для внедрения в офсетные контракты (класс IX (Е10-Е15) – «Гипертоническая болезнь», класс IV (Е10-Е14) – «Сахарный диабет», класс VI (G40) – «Эпилепсия»).

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):43-49
pages 43-49 views
Organization of pharmaceutical consulting during the release of combined medicines by prescription
Porseva N.Y., Rostova N.B., Soloninina A.V., Foteeva A.V.

Introduction. In order to realize the increasing role of a pharmaceutical specialist in ensuring the quality of professional activity, promoting a healthy lifestyle and rational use of medicines through pharmaceutical counseling, it is necessary to justify standardized approaches to the implementation of individual groups of drugs, taking into account the conditions of their release from pharmacy organizations, the characteristics of their pharmacological effects, potential non-medical use and other factors.

Objective: Substantiation of the methodological approach to the organization of pharmaceutical consulting during the release of prescription drugs (on the example of combined drugs containing small amounts of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors).

Material and methods: Review and analysis of modern research, regulatory documents in the Russian Federation and recommendations of the World Health Organization on pharmaceutical consulting, aspects of rational choice, prescription and use of medicines, their release from pharmacy organizations, instructions for medical use, publications from the databases of RSCI, PubMed, Scopus, etc. A content analysis of official information sources was carried out about medicines.

Results. The results of the substantiation of the methodological approach to the organization of pharmaceutical counseling for the release of prescription combined drugs containing small amounts of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, taking into account the current regulations for their circulation; facts of abuse and drug addiction; assortment and its systematization from the perspective of the release from pharmacy organizations; restrictions on use in childhood.

Conclusion. The proposed approach can be used as a basis for the development of information and organizational technologies for optimizing the provision of medicines to the population and pharmaceutical counseling of patients with prescription drugs (standard operating procedures, consulting algorithms, drug databases, etc.), the implementation of which in practice will contribute to improving the quality of pharmaceutical services.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(3):50-56
pages 50-56 views

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