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Introduction. The need to use standardized procedures for determining the specific safety of human immunoglobulin infusion formulations is due to the variability of critical parameters related to the use of biological reagents. Therefore, the problems with the development and certifying tests of standard samples are of particular relevance. Objective: to analyze methodological approaches to developing and certifying a standard sample to determine the anticomplementary activity of human immunoglobulin preparations. Material and methods. Standard samples of human immunoglobulin (foreign [Biological Reference Preparation (BRP) approved by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (France)] and Russian batches) were used. Methods for systematic analysis and document examination were applied. Anticomplementary activity was determined by a method based on the ability of human immunoglobulins to bind complement, by preventing the lysis of sensitized sheep red blood cells in the complement binding reaction. Results. Comparative analysis and generalization of the experience in developing and certifying Russian and foreign standard human immunoglobulin samples for determining anticomplementary activity revealed the distinctive features of the Russian standard one. They lie in the two-component pattern and the presence of certified anticomplementary activity values for positive and negative controls, expressed as (Xmean±2Sx) with a 0.95 confidence interval, which makes it possible to use of this standard sample for confirming the stability of an analytical procedure and to evaluate possible trends to change the testing process. The advantage of the foreign standard sample of human immunoglobulin (BRP) is that several laboratories can be attracted to participate in certifying tests. Conclusion. Two approaches were identified in the methodology for the development and certifying tests of a standard human immunoglobulin sample to determine anticomplementary activity, and can also be used by the manufacturers of human immunoglobulin infusion formulations to develop and certify standard samples of their enterprise.




Maksim Krivikh

Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Chief Expert of the Division for Expert Evaluation of Allergenes, Cytokines and Other Immunomodulators of the Center for Evaluation and Control of Medicinal Immunobiological Products, PhD 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Ol'ga Kornilova

Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Chief expert of the laboratory of immunoglobulin and blood products of Testing Centre for quality expertise of medical immunobiological preparatios 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Khusnatdinova

Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Expert of the Laboratory of Immunoglobulins and Blood Products Chief expert of the laboratory of immunoglobulin and blood products of Testing Centre for quality expertise of medical immunobiological preparatios 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Nataliya Bunyatyan

First Moscow state medical UNIVERSITY. I. M. Sechenova (Sechenov University) Of The Ministry Of Health Of Russia; Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Head of the Department of pharmaceutical technology and pharmacology; сhief Research associate of the Clinical Pharmacology Centre, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Yuriiy Olefir

Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

General Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation


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