Marketing analysis of the market of drugs used to treat uroandrological diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic



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Introduction. According to the latest data, in the Kyrgyz Republic, there is currently a high prevalence of male genital tract disease and a progressive increase in the number of its cases. At the same time, the availability of drugs recommended for the treatment of urological diseases in accordance with recognized international clinical guidelines and the extent of the provision of the population with the drugs have not been studied to date. Objective: to carry out a marketing analysis and to study the provision of the Kyrgyz Republic's population with the medicines proven to be efficient and safe for treating uroandrological diseases. Material and methods. The authors carried out a marketing analysis of data on the registration and import of pharmacotherapeutic agents using INN (international nonproprietary names) of drugs and group names, as well as the ATC (anatomical and therapeutic chemical) classification of the medicines GO4:GO4B Urological drugs and GO4C Prostatic drugs. They also performed an ABC/VEN analysis of uroandrological drugs purchased by healthcare facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic, by using the statistics from the National Urology Center, Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. Results. The findings suggest that despite the large number of available drugs (51 molecules) recommended by the WHO for the prevention and treatment of diseases; in the Kyrgyz Republic there are 8 practically available molecules, while 12 are officially registered; 48 names of drugs are the extracts of medicinal plants and the prostate, questionably effective and safe drugs that are not recommended by EAU (2018). Moreover, andrological medicines are prescription (57.4%) and oral (87%) ones. The drugs are mainly delivered by manufacturers of Germany, India, and Russia. Conclusion. Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to conclude that despite the available large number of drugs (51 molecules) recommended by the WHO for the prevention and treatment of uroandrological diseases; in the Kyrgyz Republic, 8 molecules are physically available, while 12 molecules are officially registered. Forty-eight names of medicines are the extracts of medicinal plants and the prostate; questionably efficient and safe drugs that are not recommended by EAU (2018). According to the ABC/VEN analysis, ABC purchases made in the first half of 2019 at the Urology Hospital, National Urology Center, National Hospital of the Kyrgyz Republic, are not feasible and rational.




Alina Usupbaeva

I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

post-graduate student of the Department of management and Economics of pharmacy, technology of medicines Bishkek 720017, Kyrgyz Republic


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