Resource potential of Polygonum coriarium Grig. in the Varzob District of Tajikistan



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Introduction. Polygonum coriarium Grig. (aconogonon coriarium), a promising plant growing in Tajikistan; which is high in tannins, up to 30% in its underground organs, previously widely used in the leather industry, is promising for study with a view to introducing it into medicine. Objective: to determine raw Polygonum coriarium material reserves in the Varzob district of the Republic of Tajikistan. Material and methods. Resource studies were conducted according to the generally accepted procedures in the summer of 2019. The investigators examined Polygonum coriarium shrubs in the vicinity of the village of Takob, on the southern slopes of the Hissar mountain ridge, in the Safed Dara ski mountain complex. Raw material reserves were determined on the specific shrubs using the model specimen method, by laying the sites measuring 1 m2. Results. The investigators described phytocinosis in Polygonum coriarium. They determined resource-related indicators, such as raw material stock density; biological and operational stocks; and possible annual harvesting volume for Polygonum coriarium herb and underground organs. Conclusion. The resource studies have shown the substantial reserves of raw Polygonum coriarium materials in the Varzob District of the Republic of Tajikistan.




Shabnam Sharifova

Tajik National University

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacy

Valentina Belonogova

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a Course in Botany

Alexey Kuritsyn

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacognosy with a Course in Botany

Ivan Zagrebelnyi

Tajik National University

Senior Researcher of the Department of Pharmacy


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