Investigation of the anti-allergic activity of the herbal remedy Phytoeczemaderm



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Introduction. Eczema occupies a special place among a group of allergic diseases, such as allergic dermatoses. It is characterized by weeping, skin itching, allergization, and pronounced morphological changes. To date, eczema occurs in 10-40% of all cases of acute and chronic skin lesions. Eczema is commonly treated with glucocorticosteroids that have a number of adverse effects. In contrast to them, medicinal plants, acting in a complex manner, have rarely a side effect. The author has designed the herbal remedy Phytoeczemaderm for the topical therapy of eczema. Objective: to investigate the anti-allergic activity of the herbal remedy Phytoeczemaderm recommended for the topical therapy of eczema. Material and methods. Anti-allergic activity was studied in a model of allergic contact dermatitis caused by the skin application of turpentine in 60 white mice. A tincture of agents, which had been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the 14th Edition of the Russian Federation's State Pharmacopoeia, was used in the experiment. The antihistamine Psilo-Balsam, the glucocorticoid Dermovate, and zinc ointment were used as comparison agents. Results. The tincture of the agents significantly reduces a total allergic reaction, time of recovery, and dynamics in the severity of allergic reactions. The anti-allergic activity of the phytocomponent was comparable to that of the comparison drugs. Conclusion. The experimental animal study has shown that the herbal remedy Phytoeczemaderm has significant anti-allergic activity.




Bakhtiyor Imamaliev

OOO «Med Standart» Research Center



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