Study of the professional activity of a pharmacist in the field of preclinical trials




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Introduction. The study of labor processes and labor costs is important for any type of activity, in particular in research organizations dealing with preclinical trials (PT). We considered the labor processes in the organization that carries out PT on the example of a unit that prepares the studied objects for administration to test systems. Material and methods. The study was carried out using the following methods: content analysis, classification and photography of the working day, as best meeting the goals and objectives of the study. The information base of the study was labor accounting documents (staff schedules and labor contracts), as well as report documentation of the organization for 2020, and forms of photography of the working day. Photographing of the working day was carried out over 50 shifts. Results. These methods allowed to identify the main tasks of a specialist's professional activity as well as to propose labor standards characteristic of various dosage forms and methods of their preparation for the introduction of test systems. This article proposes an approach to formalizing the procedure for calculating (determining) labor standards. Conclusion. The proposed approach to the analysis of labor costs allows us to form norms within the organization that carries out PT. Based on such standards, it becomes possible to predict the workload assigned to a specialist depending on the number of studies and the characteristics of the test objects, as well as to calculate the necessary number of employees for the planned research.




Svetlana Gushchina

St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University; Research and manufacturing company «Home оf Pharmacy»

researcher 俄罗斯联邦,

Yulia Ilinova

St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs 俄罗斯联邦,

Natalia Kishchenko

Research and manufacturing company «Home оf Pharmacy»

head of the pharmacist department 俄罗斯联邦,


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