Study of morphological and micro-diagnostic signs of the alfalfa crescent herb (Medicago falcata L.)




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Introduction. Alfalfa crescent (Medicago falcata L.) is widespread in the regions of the middle belt of Russia. It is not used in official medicine, because there is no normative documentation for its herb raw material. In this regard, the study of morphological and microdiagnostic signs of alfalfa crescent herb is relevant

Objective. Is to develop the characteristics of the authenticity of Alfalfa crescent herb (morphological and microscopic signs of raw materials) to form the relevant sections of the regulatory documentation.

Material and methods. The selected object of the study was Alfalfa crescent herb harvested in 2020–2022 in the vicinity of Marshal Zhukov G.K. settlement in Kursk Region. Microscopic studies of Alfalfa crescent herb raw material were carried out using temporary preparations prepared from different parts of raw material. Microscope «Micromed C1 Led» with a digital attachment was used to obtain photos and study the micro preparations.

Results. The external (morphological) signs of raw material and its microdiagnostic signs are established. Under stem epidermis there are crystals and cells with brown contents. The stomata are of the anomocyte type. The epidermis of the stem, compound leaflets, and calyx is pubescent with two-celled thick-walled hairs with finely and coarsely cuticle with a slightly widening base. Around the base of setae, epidermal cells form a rosette of 7–9 cells. Along the calyx and vein of the compound leaflets, a crystalline overlay is found. Papilla-shaped outgrowths of epidermal cells are located along the edge of the calyx teeth and the upper part of the corolla. Beneath the epidermis of the calyx, bacilliform prismatic calcium oxalate crystals are located.

Conclusion. Our studies have provided new information about morphological and anatomical features of the Alfalfa crescent herb.




Natalya Shvets

KSMU Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4550-781X

postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany

俄罗斯联邦, St. K. Marx, h. 3, Kursk, Kursk region, 305041

Roman Bubenchikov

KSMU Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0955-6892

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of Standardization and Implementation of Scientific Developments, Standardization and Implementation of JSC «Scientific-Production Association on Medical and Immunobiological Preparations «Microgen»»

俄罗斯联邦, St. K. Marx, h. 3, Kursk, Kursk region, 305041

Irina Pascar

KSMU Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2706-4891

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, General Director of LLC EC "PHARMOBORONA"

俄罗斯联邦, St. K. Marx, h. 3, Kursk, Kursk region, 305041


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2. Fig. 1. Microscopy of alfalfa leaflet and petiole: a – fragment of upper epidermis of leaflet (×400); b – fragment of lower epidermis of leaflet, ×400; c – a fragment of the upper epidermis on the edge of the leaflet, ×400; d – a fragment of the upper epidermis of the leaflet along the vein, ×400; e – a fragment of the upper epidermis of the leaflet, ×100; f – a fragment of the leaflet margin, ×100; g – a fragment of the lower epidermis of the leaflet, ×6000; h – a fragment of the upper epidermis of the leaflet cusp, ×100; i – transverse section of alfalfa crescent leaf petiole, ×150

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3. Fig. 2. Microscopy of alfalfa crescent stem: a – transverse section of stem of bundle structure, ×40; b – transverse section of the stem of non-bulky structure, ×40; c – transverse section of the stem, ×100; d – transverse section of the stem, ×100; e – a fragment of the stem epidermis, ×400.

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4. Fig. 3. Microscopy of calyx and corolla of alfalfa crescent: a – fragment of the epidermis of the outer surface at the base of the calyx, ×150; b – a fragment of the epidermis of the inner surface of the calyx, ×150; c – fragment of the epidermis of the calyx along the vein, ×150; d – fragment of the edge of the calyx tooth, ×150; e – a fragment of the epidermis of the calyx tooth, ×400; f – a fragment of the epidermis of the calyx cusp, ×150; g – epidermis at the base of the corolla, ×400; h – a fragment of the epidermis in the middle part of the corolla, ×400; i – a fragment of the epidermis of the corolla fold, ×400

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版权所有 © Shvets N.N., Bubenchikov R.A., Pascar I.V., 2023