Geomagnetic effect of earthquakes

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Based on the results of instrumental observations carried out at a number of mid-latitude observatories of the INTERMAGNET network and at the Mikhnevo Geophysical Observatory of Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences, it is shown that strong earthquakes are accompanied by increased variations of Earth’s magnetic field. In this case, the short-period stage (period ~ 0.5-0.8 min) and long-period stage (period ~ 5-20 min) of increased geomagnetic variations are clearly distinguished. The maximum amplitude of induced geomagnetic variations is 1.5-2 nT and 2- 4 nT, respectively, for short-period and long-period variations. A similar in morphology and almost synchronous nature of the induced geomagnetic disturbances at the observatories located at significantly different distances from the earthquake source is noted.

About the authors

A. A. Spivak

Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 38/1, Leninsky prospect, Moscow

S. A. Riabova

Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, 38/1, Leninsky prospect, Moscow


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