On the approximate solution of the boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation with impedance condition

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In this work, we present a justification of collocation method for integral equation of the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation. We also build a sequence which converges to the exact solution of our problem and we obtain an error estimate.

About the authors

A. R. Aliev

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University; Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Aserbaijan

Author for correspondence.
Email: alievaraz@yahoo.com
Azerbaijan, AZ1010, Bakı, Azadlıq prospekti, 16/21; AZ1141, Baku, F. Agaev str., 9

R. J. Heydarov

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University; Ganja State University

Email: heyderov.rahib@gmail.com
Azerbaijan, AZ1010, Bakı, Azadlıq prospekti, 16/21; AZ2000, Ganja, Khatai str., 187


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