Generalized localization for spherical partial sums of multiple Fourier series

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In this paper the generalized localization principle for the spherical partial sums of the multiple Fourier series in the L2-class is proved, that is, if fL2 (ТN) and f = 0 on an open set Ω ⊂ ТN then it is shown that the spherical partial sums of this function converge to zero almost - ​everywhere on Ω. It has been previously known that the generalized localization is not valid in Lp (TN) when 1 ≤ p < 2. Thus the problem of generalized localization for the spherical partial sums is completely solved in Lp (TN), p ≥ 1: if p ≥ 2 then we have the generalized localization and if p < 2, then the generalized localization fails.

About the authors

R. R. Ashurov

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek; Institute of Mathematics named after V.I. Romanovskiy of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Author for correspondence.
Uzbekistan, 100174, Tashkent, Students’ Quarter; 100060, Tashkent, Khodjaev str., 29


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