Clinical, Roentgenologic and Pododynamography Results of Minimum Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty





Clinical, roentgenologic and pododynamographic data were analyzed for 195 patients after 207 total hip arthroplasties performed via modified minimum invasive anteroexternal approach by Watson-Jones during the period from 2004 to 2006. Clinical results showed reduction of rehabilitation period and significant relief of postoperative pain syndrome. The rate of complications corresponded to that at conventional technique application. Despite slight varus position of the femoral component roentgenologic examination results were also comparable. Analysis of gait showed its considerable improvement and decrease in preoperative asymmetry between healthy and operated sides already in 4 months after operation. Residual differences were almost not observed in 6 months after intervention. Obtained clinical results confirmed the advantages of the applied technique.


Клинические, рентгенологические и пододинамографические результаты минимально инвазивного эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава


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