Treatment of Fractures of the Distal Femur at Polytrauma




Retrospective analysis of treatment results of 157 patients with 163 fractures of the distal femur at polytrauma was perfomed. Used an osteosynthesis distal a pins with blocking, plates with angular stability, devices of external fixing. Estimated frequency and character of complications, duration and number of the hospitalisation, the remote results of treatment. It is revealed that at patients with polytrauma at supracondylaris fractures of the distal femur and sagittalis intraar- ticulate fractures without displacement by an optimum method of treatment the osteosynthesis nails with blocking is, at intraarticulate splintered fractures with displacement and a face-to- face line of a break is shown opened reposition with an osteosynthesis plates with angular stability.


Лечение переломов дистального отдела бедренной кости при политравме


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