Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Primary Thrombotic Complications Prevention after Orthopaedic Operations





Comparative study of clinical efficacy and safety of dabigatran etexilate (DE) and other widely used anticoagulants (AC) in primary thromboprophylaxis after orthopedic interventions was performed. Retrospectively 828 patients from 13 hospitals located in 10 different Russian towns were evaluated. Seven hundred sixty one patients (91,9%) underwent total arthroplasty of either knee or hip joints and 67 patients — other orthopedic operations. Clinical efficacy of AC was evaluated by the rate of postoperative vein thrombosis, safety of AC — by the rate of postoperative bleedings. No statistically significant difference in the incidence of venous thromboembolism at DE and other AC intake after total arthroplasty (distal thrombosis — 4% [2%, 7%] and 4% [2%, 6%] in DE and other AC subgroups, respectively; proximal thrombosis — 0% [0%, 1%>] in both subgroups and after other orthopaedic interventions (distal thrombosis — 4% [0%, 18%] and 3% [0%, 13%]; proximal thrombosis — 4% [0%, 18%] and [0%, 9%] in DE and other AC subgroups, respectively) was detected. The incidence of bleeding after arthroplasty also showed no significant difference between DE and other AC (minimum postoperative bleeding was 1% and 1% in DE and other AC subgroups, respectively; massive bleeding — 0% in both subgroups. No postoperative bleeding was observed after other orthopaedic interventions. Thus clinical efficacy and safety of DE is comparable to other widely used AC for thrombosis prevention.


Клиническая эффективность и безопасность первичной профилактики тромботических осложнений после ортопедических операций


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