Treatment of Vertically Unstable Pelvic Ring Injuries in Patients with Complicated Pelvic Trauma




The purpose of the work was to improve the treatment results for patients with complicated pelvic injury using differentiated application of transosseous and internal osteosynthesis. Retrospective analysis of treatment results is presented for 52 patients with vertically unstable pelvic ring injuries and concomitant abdominal injuries. Clinical cases demonstrate the variants of clinical decision depending on the type of injury, degree of pelvic ring instability, pattern of concomitant abdominal injuries. Protocol of patient management in such injuries is suggested.


S. Ushakov

City «Traumatologic» hospital № 36, Ekaterinburg, Russia


S. Lukin

City «Traumatologic» hospital № 36, Ekaterinburg, Russia

A. Nikol’skiy

City «Traumatologic» hospital № 36, Ekaterinburg, Russia


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