Efficacy of Analgesic Therapy after Hip and Knee Arthroplasty




Efficacy of pain syndrome drug therapy using aceclofenac in combination with tolperisone after total knee and hip arthroplasty was studied. Study included 100 patients. Patients from group 1 ( n =30) received ketorolac, from group 2 (n=35) - aceclofenac, from group 3 (n=35) - aceclofenac in combination with tolperisone, for 3 postoperative days in recommended doses. Severity of pain syndrome by VAS, range of motion, and dynamics of soft tissue edema was assessed. It was shown that combined therapy with aceclofenac and tolperisone was more effective in pain syndrome reduction, contributed to more marked regress of soft tissue edema and more complete restoration of movements as compared to monotherapy with nonsteroid anti- inflammatory drugs.


P. Markov

Republican hospital № 2 - Center for emergency care, Yakutsk, RF

G. Pal’shin

Medical Institute «North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Amosov», Yakutsk, RF

A. Komissarov

Republican hospital № 2 - Center for emergency care, Yakutsk, RF


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