Analysis of Orthopaedic Sequelae of Special Treatment of Malignant Tumors in Children




Ninety five patients (mean age 13.72±4.2) with complaints on loco-motor system disorders after special treatment for malignant tumors were under observation of orthopaedic surgeon. The most common sequelae of treatment were muscular hypotrophy (66 children), I-III degree scoliosis (75), rigidity (61), bone metabolism disorder and osteopenia (47), one limb shortening even in presence of “growing” endoprosthesis (46). Individual rehabilitation course was performed in 43 (45.3%) children and resulted in increase of joint movement range, improvement of posture, and increase in muscular tension. Timely performed complex of rehabilitation measures enabled to correct sequelae of special treatment at early terms that significantly decreased disability of children, increases their social adaptation and quality of life.


A. Petrichenko

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia


E. Bukreeva

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia

A. Korneeva

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia

I. Shavyrin

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia

A. Ochkurenko

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

S. Kolesov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

T. Sharoev

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia

N. Ivanova

Center of medical care for children with developmental craniofacial defects and congenital nervous system disorders, Moscow, Russia


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