Treatment Results after ACL Plasty with M. Semitendenous and M. Gracilis Tendons, and Patellar Ligament





Treatment results for 60 patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries (ACL) are presented. As a graft either tendons of m. semitendenous and m. gracilis (group 1, 30 patients) or patellar ligament (group 2, 30 patients) were used. Clinical instrumental and roentgenologic examination was performed at least 8 months after surgical intervention. Good and excellent results (85-100 by Lysholm scale) were achieved in 29 (96.7%) patients from the first group and in 27 (92.0%) patients from the second group. However examination on arthrometer KT-1000 showed that in 4 (13.3%) out of 30 patients from the second group anterior shift of the shin exceeded 5 mm. X-ray examination showed early signs of deforming arthrosis in 7 (27.7%) patients from the first and 15 (50%) patients from the second group.


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