New Potentialities in Surgical Treatment of Proximal Humerus




Original method of stressed osteosynthesis for the treatment of proximal humerus is proposed. Primary tension of Y-shaped pin fixative and secondary tension that is created at its intramedullar insertion and blocking enable to achieve stable fixation of fragments without inflicting additional intraoperative injury in patients of any age and independently of their general condition. Preservation of blood supple in fragments, low traumatic osteosynthesis, and possibility of patients' early rehabilitation define the prospective of this technique for the treatment of patients with fractures on the background of osteoporosis. The importance of drug therapy for osteoporosis in the early postoperative period is shown. Experience in treatment of 62 patients aged from 23 to 78 years is presented. Control group included 30 patients with similar fractures who were treated using osteosynthesis. In the main group good results were achieved in 82.3% of patients, satisfactory - in 17.7%, no poor results were observed. In control group good results made up 40%, satisfactory - 56.7%, poor 0 3.3%.


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