Reconstructive Operations in Static Foot Deformity




In 92 patients with static foot deformities of II-IV degrees 159 operations were performed. Surgical treatment had for an object to eliminate first ray adduction and stabilize of forefoot. Follow-up within 1-5 years after operation showed that in static platypodia of II degree the resection of exostosis in combination with subcapital wedge-shaped resection of first metatarsal did not prevent the recurrence of great toe valgus deviation. The more effective method was operation by Shede-Brandes and corrective osteotomies of first metatarsal methaphysis using bone graft or porous implant. Fixation of fragments was performed by S-shaped bow with shape memory. In static platypodia of III degree good long-term functional result was achieved after double osteotomy by Logroscino. In patients with static platypodia of IV degree good results were achieved in combination of Logroscino operation with synostosis of first-second or first-third metatarsals by tightening bow with shape memory foot.


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