Vol XII, No 3 (1904)

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Changing temperatures during progressive paralysis

Sorokovikov G.V.


He says that “some man doused him with carbolic acid”, “his arms and legs are taken away”, “he has no body”. Speech is difficult, the language is braided, the pronunciation of words is not clear. A patient of high stature, severe body build, undermined nutrition. Visible mucous membranes are faint, anemic. Subcutaneous fat is poorly developed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):2-125
pages 2-125 views

On the question of the innervation of the movements of the pupil

Chirkovskiy V.V.


The study of the innervation of the pupil dilation has an almost two-century history. Hundreds of works are devoted to the development of this issue, but to this day you can still encounter something obscure, contradictory. Our task is not to provide a complete literary review of the works related to this, since such are already available in several works, both Russian and foreign researchers, we will limit ourselves only to the presentation of the most important studies and will not at all touch upon the scholarship of the intimate aspect of the study expansion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):126-206
pages 126-206 views

Paralysis spinalis spastica

Popov N.M.


In an effort to understand a complex picture, clinicians usually compare it with more downtime. But it is not for this purpose that we have to use an even more complex symptom complex as a connector to the reverse method. This is exactly what I will allow myself to adopt when examining the patient present here.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):207-229
pages 207-229 views

To casuistic progressive paralysis (several cases with acute and prolonged course)

Dedov G.A.


Patient I. D — b, tradesman, 50 years old, was delivered to the hospital on September 28, 1884 by his daughter. Anamnesis (from the daughter's words). Patient 50 years old, married 21 years old, has three children; his pedigree was not mentally ill; parents died in their advanced years. The patient himself always enjoyed good health until the last illness; In his youth he abused alcoholic beverages and, until the last day, was excessive in venere.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):230-245
pages 230-245 views

Therapeutic significance of hemorrhages in suffering from the nervous system

Sobolevsky A.V.


Orleansky one experiment with strangulation was put on a dog, in which 4 days before that part of the cerebral cortex was removed from both sides, the irritation of which, according to prof. Bekhterev and Mislavsky, produces, as a constant phenomenon, a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):246-283
pages 246-283 views

About vasodilating fibers of the sciatic nerve. Preliminary announcement

Bystrenin I.


The paths along which the vasodilator fibers, after leaving the spinal cord, follow to the distal nerve, have repeatedly attracted the attention of physiologists.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):284-288
pages 284-288 views

P. B. Gannushkin. Acute paranoia (paranoia acuta). The clinical side of the issue. —Diss., Moscow, 1904

Vorotynskiy B.


The author's dissertation, published by the Moscow Psychiatric Clinic, is devoted to the clinical development of the issue of the independence of acute paranoia as a separate form of mental illness. Dr. Gannushkin is trying to solve this question partly on the basis of his own observations, partly through a critical analysis of cases that were observed by other authors, both Russian and foreign.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):289-290
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Dr. Rud. Koster. The script for mental illness. An atlas with 81 handwriting samples. — Leipzig, 1903

Vorotynskiy B.


The work of the author, as can be seen from the preface to her prof. Sommer, conducted under the guidance of the last day and at his own initiative.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):291-291
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Bonnier. The perception of trepidation. (Journal Neurol. 1904)

Rudnev V.


Perception of trembling, also called pallesthesia or sysmestasy, is a feeling of vibrations and was formed from the sensation of a primary touch. Müller calls it false hearing.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):291-292
pages 291-292 views

Common ocular motor paralysis in a tabetic anatomical examination. A. Papadaki. (Neurological Review, 1904)

Kagan S.


Musculi externi eyes are rarely (39: 100) paralyzed in the prodromal period of the tabes. Paralysis is mild and transient at first, but returns severe and prolonged. In this case, all, or almost all, of the motor of the eye is affected, which deviates outward, and ptosis sets in. Temporary paralysis, according to some, are considered to be a consequence of peripheral neuritis, and long-term paralysis is a consequence of damage to the centers of the medulla oblongata. Adamkievitz considered the cause of transient diplopia to be a short-term rush of blood to the nerve trunks and nuclei, and Gweicher - sclerosis of the arteries and ischemia of the motor centers. Dejerine, in a case of isolated paralysis, of a tabetik's eyelid lifter, after opening, found a deep degeneration of his nerve filament, while the trunk of nervi oculomotorii turned out to be unchanged. Because of this, he considers the disease to be peripheral nervo-tabes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):293-294
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Alternate incomplete double paralysis limited to the face. - Weakness throughout the left side of the body. Pedunculo-protuberant tubercles. Е. Lenoble и Е. Aubineau. (Neurological Review, 1903)

Kagan S.


The authors cite a remarkable case of a two-sided paralysis altern, in an eight-thousandth child.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):294-295
pages 294-295 views

Chronicle and mix


— Former assistant at the department of psychiatry of the Imperial Kazan University, doctor of medicine, Vladimir Nikolaevich Obraztsov was appointed assistant at the department of psychiatry of the Novorossiysk University.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(3):296-301
pages 296-301 views

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