Vol XXVIII, No 3-4 (1996)


Cytokines and monoamines in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

Khaidarov B.T., Kuznetsov V.Р., Zakharova М.N., Belyaev D.L., Barhatova V.P., Brusov О.S., Babayants А.А., Askarova L.S., Konysova А.D., Zavalishin I.A.


The article presents the results of research of cytokines (α- and ß-interferons and tumor necrosis factor-а) and monoamines (adrenalin, noradrenalin, dopamin, serotonin) in blood and cerebrospinal fluid in 151 patients with multiple sclerosis. The correlation between immune, biochemical changes and clinical activity and course of disease were revealed. The immunocorrection with α-interferon is recommended.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):5-9
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Clinico-mr-tomographic characteristics of different kinds of chronic vascular multiple brain lesions

Bogdanov Е.I., Mendelevich Е.G.


21 patient with different clinical patterns of non-insult course of developing vascular brain disturbance were included into investigation. Standard neurological examination was fol lowed by MR-tomography. Different degress of intellectualmnestic disorders and various locomotor disturbances correspond to the depicted in tomograms multiple brain lesions with cortical and subcortical foci. Comparison of clinical and MRT-data didn’t reveal in full measure correlations between them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):9-13
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Peculiarities of treatment and rehabilitation of epileptics at the initial stage of disease

Gromov S.A., Mashukova V.Е.


On clinical material of 375 patients (200 — test group, 75 — control group, in 100 cases — paroxysmally nonepileptic diseases) peculiarities of treatment and rehabilitation of epileptics at the initial stage of the disease are studied. It is found, that the initial stages of the disease are characterized by: 1) hyperdiagnostics of epilepsy; 2) young age of patients; 3) monomorphism of seizures; 4) absence of ECG-changes; 5) high treatment efficiency; 6) retaining of adaptation to work.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Present-day methods of therapy of different types of modification of personality in epileptics

Gromov S.A., Kartasheva Е.V.


The question of optimization of differentiated therapy of revealed psychic defect is discussed on clinical material of 129 epileptics with modification of personality. New systematization of modification of personality is given and the conclusion that treatment of such patients must necessarily be complex, including a number of psychoactive drugs, is justified.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):17-21
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Vegetative regulation in women in the third trimester of physiological pregnancy according to mathematical analysis of cardial rythm data

Sitarskaya М.V., Kozlov L.A., Safina Е.R., Ismagilov M.F.


A study on vegetative homeostasis in healthy pregnant women at the term of 30 — 40 weeks was held by the method of cardiointervalography. Availability of two types of vegetative response was found, which are likely variants of standard response. A conclusion was made, that processes of adaptation in physiologic pregnancy are accounted by the growth of the tonicity of sympato-adrenalic link, degree of activation of which depends on initial level of functioning of regulating systems.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):21-23
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Detecting a patent foramen ovale by transcranial doppler sonography (tcd)

Salaschek М., Winkel R.


In patients with cerebral ischemia of unknown origin, paradoxical embolism must be considered as one of the possible causes, if there is an abnormal right-to- left shunt. The most likely site of transmission is a persisting patent foramen ovale (PFO), which is found in approximately 30% of adult persons in autopsy studies. Using transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) and an agitated saline solution as an inexpensive and readily available contrast medium, probably all clinically important right-to-left shunts can be detected. In our department we examined 215 patients within the last 5 years, 30% of which had an abnormal right-to-left shunt with insignificant difference between 10 and 69 years of age.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):23-25
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The psychological paradigm of V.M. Bekhtereva and its evolution in modern psychology

Popov L.M.


The main goal of human researchers is that the actions of a psychologist and a doctor in relation to a person as an object of cognition and a subject of activity, firstly, would be adequate to his nature and, secondly, would contribute to the development of him as a self-valuable personality or would stimulate recovery. organism.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):26-29
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Acupuncture as an integral part of traditional (folk) medicine: achievements and problems

Ivanichev G.A.


Traditional medicine is an ancient area of human knowledge. Born at the dawn of mankind as a natural way of knowing the world around us, the initial, pre-scientific ideas about a person, about his health and diseases, and methods of treatment have changed many times over the centuries, both in essence and in form.


Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):30-35
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Vestibular dizziness in patients with vegetative crises and rehabilitation measures for these conditions

Volkov Y.V., Ismagilov М.F.


The syndrome of vestibular dizziness with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is quite common, its frequency ranges from 57.8 to 71.1%. The etiology and pathogenesis of these combined disorders remain insufficiently developed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):36-37
pages 36-37 views

Clinical experience with the use of dalargin in the initial forms of vascular diseases of the brain

Yavorskaya V.A., Malakhov V.A., Grebenyuk А.V.


Dalargin is the first domestic synthetic analogue of leyenkephalin. It has a wide spectrum of biological activity: accelerates physiological and reparative regeneration (Timoshin S.S., Shvets S.I., 1988), has an immunomodulatory effect, has anti-stress activity (Dishmanov Yu.B., Lasunov T.V., 1985) The direct regulatory effect of dalargin on the neurons of the cardiovascular center of the medulla oblongata was established.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):37-37
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The results of the implementation of the therapeutic system "detensor" in the complex of rehabilitation measures in patients with a neurological profile

Shmyrev V.I., Romanov А.I., Kinlein К.L., Rakova Т.S., Balakireva О.V.


The therapeutic system "Detensor" was created in 1980 by prof. K.A. Kinlein (Germany) and is successfully used in clinics of therapeutic and orthopedic profile abroad for long-term traction of the spinal column.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):38-40
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A quarter of a century on the concept of the mediator stage of ontogenesis of the nervous system and its importance for the clinic

Shvalev V.N.


Developed in the second half of the 19th century. in Kazan the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists, headed by prof. VM Bekhterev, and the neurohistological school founded by prof. K.A. Arnstein, gained worldwide fame and earned wide recognition among theorists and clinicians.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):41-43
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VII All-Russian Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists

Kamalov I.I.


On September 24-27, 1996, the VII All-Russian Congress of Radiologists and Radiologists was held in Vladimir, at which a section of neuroradiology was first distinguished (chairman - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. II Kamalov). There were presented 13 reports from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Novosibirsk, devoted to vascular and tumor lesions of the brain, mechanical injuries of the spine and spinal cord, as well as hereditary diseases and congenital malformations of the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(3-4):44-45
pages 44-45 views

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