The use of regulatory peptides in neurological and dental patients

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Currently, new molecules of short peptides are being actively studied and created. These substances are able to influence the processes of protein biosynthesis in the body, which normalizes the work of an organ whose function is impaired. Oligopeptides are widely used in medicine as both preventive and therapeutic agents, complementing traditional treatment regimens for various diseases. Objective - to study the literature data on the use of regulatory peptides in neurological and dental patients. Short peptide molecules have great clinical applications. One of the relevant sections of medicine where the widespread use of this class of substances is possible is gerontology. As the body undergoes age-related changes, there is a decrease in the formation of protein molecules, namely, regulatory peptides. This is due to the fact that the function of the main organs and systems that ensure the vital activity of the body is fading. As a result of improving the processes of protein synthesis, there is an improvement in the processes of regulation and exchange of information molecules. This, in turn, contributes to the improvement of the immune, endocrine and many other systems that increase the adaptation of the body to changing factors of the external and internal environment.

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About the authors

Yu. V. Boldyreva

Tyumen State Medical University


Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor

Russian Federation,

I. A. Lebedev

Tyumen State Medical University


Dr.Sc. (Med.)

Russian Federation,

A. V. Bragin

Tyumen State Medical University


Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor

Russian Federation,

E. A. Gadjiumarova

Tyumen State Medical University

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation,


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