Analysis of the possibility of using medical clays to obtain sorption dosage forms

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Introduction. Currently, medical clays in Russia are represented by the drug "Smectite dioctahedral", which accounts for 25% of all enterosorbents. Compared to 2014, the share of medical clays in the total structure of enterosorbents has increased fourfold. The search for new sources of medicinal mineral raw materials for the production of sorption dosage forms is an urgent task of pharmaceutical technology.

The purpose of the work is to analysis of the possibility of using medical clays to obtain sorption dosage forms.

Material and methods. Two medical clays were selected as objects of research: sample "X" – clinoptilolite clay of the Kholinsky deposit (Russia, Trans-Baikal Territory), sample "I" – zeolite clay of the Western Aftar deposit (Iran). The determination of the specific surface area and porosity was carried out by low-temperature nitrogen sorption on a TriStar II 3020 analyzer, microscopy was carried out on an electron–ion scanning microscope FEI Quanta 600 FEG.

Results. A comparative analysis of technological and adsorption characteristics of clays was carried out. It was found that the clinoptilolite clay of the Kholinsky deposit is symmetrical equiaxed particles in the form of spherical formations, the average particle size is 6.33 microns, the specific surface area is 20.9227 m2/g, the pore volume is 0.058435 cm3/g, the average pore size is 11 nm, has mesopores (17-50 nm) and macropores. A study of the morphological characteristics of the zeolite clay of the Western Aftar deposit (Iran) shows that the clay consists of agglomerates of irregularly shaped particles with an average size of 2.00 microns. According to the obtained adsorption characteristics, clay has a specific surface area of 20.4654 m2/g, a pore volume of 0.065848 cm3/g, an average pore size of 13 nm, has mesopores (18-50 nm) and macropores.

Conclusions. The studied clays are mesomacroporous sorbents with a predominance of mesopores. Satisfactory adsorption indicators show the prospects of using medical clays to obtain sorption dosage forms.

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About the authors

A. V. Bondarev

Belgorod State National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0077-7031

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Russian Federation, Belgorod

E. T. Zhilyakova

Belgorod State National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8685-1601

Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Russian Federation, Belgorod

M. Riffi

Belgorod State National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2657-7305

Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Russian Federation, Belgorod

N. B. Novikova

Belgorod State National Research University

ORCID iD: 0009-0005-0918-8876

Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Russian Federation, Belgorod


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Microphotograph of clinoptilolite clay of Kholinsky deposit (500x, 5000x), sample "X": clay is represented by symmetric equiaxed particles in the form of spherical formations, average particle size is 6.33 microns

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3. Fig. 2. Energy dispersive spectrum of clinoptilolite clay of Kholinsky deposit, sample "X"

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4. Fig. 3. Microphotograph of zeolite clay from the Western Aftar deposit (Iran) (500x, 5000x), sample "I": the clay consists of agglomerates of irregularly shaped particles with an average size of 2.00 μm

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5. Fig. 4. Energy-dispersive zeolite clay of the Western Aftar deposit (Iran), sample "I"

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6. Fig. 5. Differential dependence of pore size distribution: a - sample "X"; b - sample "I"

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