Experimental pharma Ex-Experimental pharmacotherapy of toxic hepatitis plant extract



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Results of studying of anti-hepatotoxic effect of the plant extract presented in article. It is established that course introduction of per os of extract in a dose of 300 mg/kg a laboratory animal with tetrachlormethane injury of a liver has anti-hepatotoxic effect, surpassing effect of a karsil. On the basis of the obtained data it is possible to draw a conclusion that the received extract at course introduction on the specified scheme has the expressed anti-hepatotoxic impact, thanks to the property which is mainly stimulating disintoxication function of a liver. Under the influence of extract from early terms of injury of a liver the activity of enzymes decreases, the expressiveness of inflammatory reaction decreases, peroxide oxidation of lipids is oppressed, there occur also other positive changes which in total lead to the reduction of weight of pathological process expressed to acceleration of restoration of a liver and by that the structure of body is protected from rough destructive changes. Pharmacotherapeutic influence of extract at damage of bodies of hepatobiliary system is caused by existence in it of a complex biologically of the active materials and, first of all, connections of the phenolic nature. Thanks to their dominating contents stabilization of biological membranes with the subsequent increase in the functional activity of a liver is provided the inhibiting effect of plant extract on free-radical oxidation of lipids. The received results of researches reason expediency of use of the multicomponent plant extract containing biologically the active materials of the phenolic nature in complex treatment and prophylaxis of diseases of a liver.




E. Ferubko

All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Email: eferubko@yandex.ru
Ph.D. (Med.), Head of Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Moscow

T. Dargaeva

All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist Moscow

S. Nikolaev

Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the SB RAS

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist Ulan-Ude


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