The use of medicinal plant raw material waste for the iotechnological obtaining of hydrolytic enzymes



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Currently, the drugs based on medicinal plant materials are widely used for the treatment of many chronic diseases. Modern plant-based drugs, as a rule, combine high efficiency, relative safety and wide therapeutic action. When you receive many galenic and neogalenic herbal drugs in most cases, plant raw materials wastes are generate. They usually contain different biopolymers, including cellulose, which can induce under certain conditions the hydrolase synthesis. The study is devoted to the solution of the actual problem connected with the use of plant raw materials wastes for hydrolytic enzymes biotechnological production. As an example of plant material waste were used two samples of Tanacetum vulgare flowers waste. Previously the authors have shown that micromycetes from the collection of GNU VILAR have the ability to hydrolyze some unsoluble proteins and various types of cellulose. In this regard, the attempt to use these biological objects not only for waste conversion, but also to cellulases obtaining was held. It was shown that all the investigated filamentous fungi grew well on media with replacement of sucrose to the Tanacetum vulgare flowers waste. Micromycetes formed lysis zones in surface cultivation and synthesized cellulases in deep cultivation. Thus, approaches to the use of medicinal plant materials waste for the cellulases production have been developed.




Z. Nikitina

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor Moscow

I. Gordonova

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist Moscow


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