Glucogenic and ketogenic effects in the light of introducing their skeletons into Krebs cycle



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After catabolism of all amino acids became known, attempts to make up a scheme of ways of introducing amino acids'carbon skeletons in different stages of oxydative transformations in Krebs cycle were made several times; amino acids having been united in groups. However, all schemes which are known so far have some faults particularly referring to glucogenic or ketogenic effects of one or another amino acid. Moreover, the conclusion to which the scientists came with reference to this effect, do not always correspond to the scheme. Faults both in the sceme and conclusions concerning glucogenic and ketogenic effects of amino acids are not admissible; these effects can be clearly observed in case of diabetes: introduction of glucogenic amino acids into the organism reduces the severity of ketosis whereras that of ketogenic increases it. In the present paper a scheme of introducing amino acids'carbon skeletons into Krebs cycle, specified on the basis of modern data of amino acids' transformation, and conclusions of glucogenic or ketogenic effects of one or another amino acid that fully correspond to the scheme are given. The results should be taken into account when dealing with diabetes and some other diseases.




A. Malinovsky

Branch of FSUE "EPM" FMBA of Russia


Process Engineer, Special Design and Technology Bureau "Biofizpribor"

St. Petersburg, Russia


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2. Scheme 1: Scheme of introducing amino acid carbon skeletons into the Krebs cycle [1]

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3. Scheme 2: Ways of introducing amino acid carbon skeletons into the Krebs cycle by A. Leninger

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4. Scheme 3: Ways of introducing amino acid carbon skeletons into the Krebs cycle according to modern concepts [16]

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