Pharmacognostic study of the shoots of the Lespedeza bicolor growing in the Krasnodar region



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Relevance. Be object Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. - shrub from the legume family (Fabaceae). As a medicinal vegetable raw material, shoots of Lespedeza bicolor wood as biologically active substances contain various classes of compounds (flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, etc.) that cause hypoazotemic, diuretic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. The above makes it possible to consider timber shoots as a Lespedeza bicolor promising drug raw material. The purpose and object of the study: pharmacognostic study of the shoots of the Lespedeza bicolor forest growing in the Krasnodar Territory, in order to identify additional diagnostic signs that make it possible to reliably identify this raw material. Methods. The study of external and anatomical diagnostic signs and the quantitative content of extractive substances was carried out in accordance with the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia. The UV absorption spectra of the solutions were recorded on a two-beam UV-1800 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu). Results. Based on the morphological and anatomical analysis of several experimental samples of dried raw materials, a description of the morphological and anatomical signs of the shoots of the Lespedeza bicolor (leaf, leaf petiole, stem, flower) was compiled with the identification of additional diagnostic signs. It was found that the content of the sum of extractive substances in the shoots of Lespedeza bicolor timber extracted with water is 30,46%±0,81%, extracted with 40% ethyl alcohol - 32,33±0,22% and 70% ethyl alcohol -27,12±0,078%. Two minima at 260-262 nm and 310 nm are observed in the UV absorption spectrum of alcohol extraction of brine shoots; maximums at 270 nm and 315 nm, which is due to the absorption of flavonol glycosides of the quercetin series. Conclusion. The conducted studies made it possible to establish a number of diagnostic signs of authenticity and quality indicators of this vegetable raw materials, which can be considered from the point of view of their possible inclusion in the regulatory documentation.




M. Hochava

Kuban state medical University

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Pharmaceutics Department

T. Onbysh

Kuban state medical University


Ph.D. (Pharm.), Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Pharmaceutics Department

O. Bykova

North Caucasus Branch FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, settlement VILAR

Ph.D. (Agric.)


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2. Fig. 1. Two-color Lespedetsa (dried, whole raw materials): a – general type of raw materials; b – stem, leaves, flower

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3. Fig. 2. The upper epidermis of the leaf. Crystal-bearing lining and crystal sand. Uv. 10x

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4. Fig. 3. The upper epidermis of the leaf. The edge of the sheet. Simple hairs. Uv. 10x

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5. Fig. 4. The lower epidermis of the leaf. Simple hairs. Uv. 10x

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6. Fig. 5. A simple hair. Uv. 40x

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7. Fig. 6. Stomata. Uv. 40x

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8. Fig. 7. Inclusions of calcium oxalate (druses and crystals). Uv. 40x

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9. Fig. 8. Crystals along the vein. Uv. 100x

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10. Fig. 9. Secretory passages. Uv. 100x

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11. Fig. 10. A simple hair (the place of attachment of the hair). Uv. 40x

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12. Fig. 11. The edge and petiole of the leaf. Simple hairs. Uv. 4x

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13. Fig. 12. Cross section of leaf petiole: a – uv. 40x; b – uv. 10 x

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14. Fig. 13. Cross section of the stem: a – uv. 40x; b – uv. 10x

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15. Fig. 14. The lower epidermis of the flower petal. The head hair. Uv. 10x

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16. Fig. 15. The lower epidermis of the flower petal. Uv. 10x

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17. Fig. 16. The lower epidermis of the calyx. Uv. 40x

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18. Fig. 17. The upper epidermis of the flower petal. Uv. 40x

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19. Fig. 18. Simple hairs. Uv. 40x

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20. Fig. 19. Secretory passages. Uv. 40x

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21. Fig. 20. UV absorption spectrum of alcohol extraction of shoots of two-color lespedecia

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