Proteolytic and collagenolytic activity of mycelial fungi in the process of deep cultivation study



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Relevance. Enzymes with proteolytic and collagenolytic activity have been considered in recent years as therapeutic agents that can be used in medicine for the treatment of various pathologies. The use of microorganisms as producers of these biologically active substances has a number of advantages. Despite the existence of numerous studies devoted to the study of the hydrolytic activity of various microorganisms, the search for new producers of proteinases and collagenases remains an urgent biotechnological task. Objective. To study the proteolytic and collagenolytic activity of previously selected mycelial fungi during deep cultivation using a modified Chapek medium. Material and methods. The objects of the study were 5 strains of 4 species of micromycetes from the VILAR microorganisms collection: Aspergillus fumigatus F 22, A. sydowii F 25, Botrytis terrestris F 38, Cladosporium herbarum F 33, 57. Deep cultivation was carried out using a liquid modified medium Chapek with partial replacement of sucrose for collagen (0.5% sucrose and 1.5% collagen). The concentration of protein, sucrose, total proteolytic and collagenolytic activity were determined in the filtrates of the culture fluid. Results. The conducted studies have shown that in the process of deep cultivation, the studied micromycetes grew on modified media with partial replacement of sucrose with collagen. It was noted that on 3-4 days there was complete utilization of sucrose from the nutrient fluid and the beginning of active accumulation of extracellular proteins. It was found that the micromycete A. fumigatus F 22 had the highest proteolytic, specific proteolytic activity during cultivation, as well as the maximum collagenolytic activity of secreted enzymes. Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, the culture of A. fumigatus F 22 was selected for further research as a potential colla-genase producer.




Z. Nikitina

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Dr.Sc. (Biol), Professor

I. Gordonova

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Ph.D. (Biol), Leading Research Scientist

E. Nasibov

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


Post-graduate Student


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2. Fig. 1. Changes in the concentration of protein and sucrose in filtrates during the cultivation of micromycetes

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3. Fig. 2. Changes in the total proteolytic activity in filtrates during the cultivation of micromycetes

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4. Fig. 3. Changes in the specific proteolytic activity in filtrates during the cultivation of micromycetes

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