Standardization of aboveground part of Saussurea salicifolia L.




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Relevance. Polysaccharides (PS) of plants of the genus Saussurea DC. can have an effect on the immune system. Of particular interest is the direct NO-stimulating effect of polysaccharides on peritoneal macrophages. For the introduction of plant raw materials into practice, it is necessary to develop regulatory documents that include macro- and microscopic characteristics and methods for the quantitative determination of the main groups of substances.

The aim of the study is to establish macro- and microscopic characteristics of the aboveground part of Saussurea salicifolia L., to develop and validate a method for quantitative determination of PS.

Material and methods. The object of research is the aboveground part of Saussurea salicifolia L., collected in 2020–2022. in Khakassia and the Transbaikal region. Macro- and microscopic characteristics were researched according to Pharmacopoeia Monograph «Herbs». The effect of extraction conditions was evaluated in a series of sequential experiments by changing the extraction parameters. The PS content was determined gravimetrically. The developed method was validated in terms of specificity, linearity, repeatability, reproducibility and correctness in accordance with Pharmacopoeia Monograph 1.1.0012.15 «Validation of analytical methods».

Results. The macroscopic characteristics of the aboveground part of Saussurea salicifolia include: features of pubescence of the stem, leaves, leaflets of the involucre, their size; the shape of the leaf blade, wrapper; structural features of the inflorescence; microscopic characteristics – the shape of the cells, the degree of tortuosity of the cell walls of the epidermis of the leaf, involucre, petals of the corolla, the features of their pubescence.

The most complete extraction of PS is achieved by double extraction of unsifted raw materials with purified water with pH = 2 for 3 hours at a temperature of a boiling water bath and the ratio of raw materials of the extractant is 1:30. The developed method is linear in the content range of 80–120%, the relative standard deviation of the mean under repeatability conditions is from 6.76 to 7.61%, under reproducibility conditions from 5.93 to 7.63%, the accuracy is determined by "entered - found" – with 95.77 to 98.38%. The content of PS in the aboveground part of Saussurea salicifolia ranged from 1.93–2.15%.

Conclusions. The main macro- and microscopic characteristics are established. The effect of extraction parameters on the completeness of extraction of PS Saussurea salicifolia L. was studied. The method for quantitative determination of PS was optimized and validated in terms of specificity, linearity, repeatability, reproducibility and correctness. The content of PS in raw materials of different years and places of collection allows us to propose a content standard of at least 1.5%.




E. Gulina

Siberian State Medical University


Assistant, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

俄罗斯联邦, Tomsk

V. Andreeva

Siberian State Medical University


Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

俄罗斯联邦, Tomsk

A. Zykova

Siberian State Medical University


Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

俄罗斯联邦, Tomsk

D. Isakov

Siberian State Medical University


Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

俄罗斯联邦, Tomsk

Z. Zykova

Siberian State Medical University


Student, Faculty of Pharmacy

俄罗斯联邦, Tomsk


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