Development of Autistic Spectrum Symptoms under Chronic Social Defeat Stress in Anxious Male Mice: Effects of Diazepam




Kovalenko IL, Kudryavtseva NN. [Development of autistic spectrum symptoms under chronic social defeat stress in anxious male mice: effects of diazepam]. Psychopharmacol Biol Narcol. 2010;10(1-2):2624-2635.
Epub 23 July, 2010. Russian.

BACKGROUND. It is well known that psychoemotional disorders may be accompanied by decreased sociability in humans. It has been shown that repeated social defeat stress produced by 10 daily agonistic interactions led to development of the pronounced anxiety in male mice. The paper aimed to study the features of communicative behavior in anxious animals.
METHODS. The sensory contact model was used to form high level of anxiety in male mice. The level of anxiety was measured in elevated plus-maze test. Communicative behavior was studied in the social interaction and partition tests as a behavioral reaction toward the other partner.
RESULTS. It has been shown that communication toward familiar and unfamiliar partners and exploratory activity were dramatically decreased in anxious mice. Avoidance of approaching partner and demonstration of self-grooming were significantly increased in animals under repeated social defeats. Chronic diazepam treatment (0.5 mg/kg, i.p., 2 weeks) led to significant decrease of anxiety level and to improvement of communication. Diazepam completely has restored the level of sociability and exploratory activity and reduced avoidance behavior of approaching partner. Diazepam did not affect self-grooming behavior.
CONCLUSIONS. Main factor which provokes impairment of communication in defeated male mice is the high level of anxiety. Results have demonstrated similarity between changes in social behaviors in anxious animals and symptoms of autistic spectrum disorders in humans. [in Russian with English Summary].

Date submitted: June 06, 2010; Accepted: July 22, 2010.

Citation: Psychopharmacol Biol Narcol. 2010;10 (1-2):2624-2635


Irina Kovalenko

Nataliya Kudryavtseva


I Kovalenko

Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

N Kudryavtseva

Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS


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