Features of the epidemiological surveillance system of rabies and monkeypox in the Republic of Cameroon




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The prevention and control of zoonotic infections remain a problem in most countries. However, this problem has become particularly relevant in recent decades, when the occurrence and pandemic spread of zoonotic diseases have become more frequent. All spheres of the national economy that ensure the fight against infections of this group (healthcare systems, veterinary medicine, and ecology) are trying to jointly find appropriate solutions to ensure antiepidemic protection of the population by taking adequate measures to prevent and combat infectious zoonoses. According to the World Health Organization, the spread of zoonotic infections is observed on all continents, particularly in Asia and Africa. The epidemiological significance of zoonoses depends on their effects on the population (morbidity and mortality), their ability to overcome interspecific barriers, and the individual characteristics of pathogens. It is also influenced by factors such as geographical location, climate, population density, economic growth rates, and development level of private and industrial livestock and poultry farming. The epidemiological surveillance systems in Cameroon are compared with the surveillance system in Russia and with the standards set by international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The emergence and spread of current zoonotic infections in the Republic of Cameroon are presented. The study showed the geographical, social, administrative, economic, and health characteristics of Cameroon, which may influence the emergence and spread of infectious zoonosis in the country. Zoonotic diseases have only begun to receive special attention in Cameroon’s health system in 2014–2016, following an outbreak of monkeypox (mpox) in Cameroon. Moreover, the study described the epidemiological surveillance system and a classification of epidemic events monitored by the Cameroon Disease, Epidemic and Pandemic Control Authority. In general, the surveillance system for human and animal zoonoses in Cameroon was designed to ensure a rapid response during an epidemic. However, some shortcomings exist, such as low data for some zoonotic diseases and insufficient or virtually nonexistent surveillance in some regions of the country. To intensify the fight against the epidemic spread of these zoonotic infections, the capacity of health workers and technical means for detection and monitoring must be improved. The update of the national vaccination schedule should consider diseases such as rabies, given its endemic nature in the country; this may be possible through the establishment of a service or office responsible for surveillance, detection, and response to infectious zoonotic diseases.




Е. Yumba

Inter-army military school

Email: umov2022@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5417-6656


喀麦隆, Yaoundé

Aleksandr Kuzin

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: paster-spb@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9154-7017
SPIN 代码: 6220-1218

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), associate Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Andrey Zobov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: dr.andrey98@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7791-8993
SPIN 代码: 4281-2680

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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