
The role of electron microscopy of ejaculate in the diagnosis of infertility associated with human papillomavirus infection
Ibishev K., Sinelnik E., Magomedov G., Gudima I., Zhuravleva E.
Modern aspects of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of HPV-associated penile intraepithelial neoplasia
Chernova N., Frigo N., Markosyan T., Zadorozhnaya I.
Panavir in combined treatment of chronic cystitis with hyperplastic changes in urinary bladder mucosa
Aboyan I., Aboyan V., Zin'kovskaya O., Sknar V., Kucherov V., Stovbun S., Safronov D., Litvin A., Aboyan I., Aboyan V., Zinkovskaya O., Sknar V., Kucherov V., Stovbun S., Safronov D., Litvin A.
Role of the lower urinary tract viral infections in the development of female micturition disorders
Barsegian V., Kosova I.
High oncogenic risk human papillomavirus and urinary bladder cancer
Loran O., Sinyakova L., Gundorova L., Kosov V., Kosova I., Pogodina I., Kolbasov D.
The effectiveness of Alloferon in the complex therapy of chronic recurrent papillomavirus cystitis
Ibishev K., Krakhotkin D., Mamedov V., Palenyy A.
Treatment of recurrent large external genital warts in men
Ibishev K., Kogan M.
Cystoscopic and morphological features of chronic recurrent papillomavirus cystitis
Ibishev K., Krakhotkin D., Lapteva T., Todorov S., Ryabenchenko N., Mantsov A., Kogan M.
The role of viral infection in the development of recurrent lower urinary tract infections
Ibishev K., Lapteva T., Krachotkin D., Ryabenchenko N.
Kosova I.
Efficacy of Uronext in chronic recurrent bacterial-viral cystitis with multiple resistance to antibacterial drugs
Ibishev K., Gadzhieva Z., Mamedov V.
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