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编号 3 (2004)


Role of the level of obstruction and urodynamics ofthe upper urinary tracts in infectious-toxic complications in urolithiasis (clinical and experimental study)

Yanenko Е., Stupak N., Mudraya I., Safarov R., Kirpatovsky V.


Clinical studies have revealed that location of the occlusion in the kidney and upper third of the ureter raises the risk of severe infectioustoxic complications of urolithiasis. It is shown experimentally that mechanisms of compensation of impaired urinary transport along the upper urinary tracts differ in obstruction of the upper and lower third of the ureter.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Medicoecological assessment of climate effectson urolithiasis morbidity in population of the Primorsky territory

Kovalchuk V.


The article presents medicoecological estimation of quantitative relations between monsoon climate and urolithiasis primary morbidity in the Primorsky Territory.Quantitative estimation of the climate was performed by V. I. Rusanov (1973) who calculated daily meteorological data for 1 p.m. throughout 1991-1999. Primary urolithiasis morbidity for this period of time was provided by regional health department. The data were processed by methods of medical mapping and paired correlation analysis. In the Territory, mapping revealed the same location of the zones with high frequency of discomfortable weather of class V and VI causing chilblain in positive air temperatures and zones with elevated primary urolithiasis morbidity in children and adults. Correlation analysis confirmed mapping results and determined significant negative correlations between frequency of relatively comfortable moment weather classes II-IV and morbidity of children and adults, positive correlation between frequency of discomfortable class VI and adult morbidity. Thus, high frequency of days per year with discomfortable classes of moment weather in low positive air temperatures may be one of the factors of urolithiasis risk in population of the Primorsky Territory. Climatic factors should be taken into consideration in planning primary prophylaxis of this disease in the Primorsky Territory
Urologiia. 2004;(3):6-10
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Prognostic implicationsof morphometry stromal parameters of renal pelvis and ureteraltransitional cell carcinomas

Al-Shukri S., Rybakova M., Makovskaya A., Tyurin A., Kozlov V., Ageev M., Korneev I.


To evaluate prognostic value of morphometric studies of the stroma of transitional cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter, we studied retrospectively the data of primary examination and follow-up of 75 patients (49 males, 65% and 26 females, 35%; mean age 61.9+1.2 years) given radical surgical treatment for cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter. Five-year survival in the absence of tumor progression was 23%. Morphological examination diagnosed transitional cell carcinoma with invasion pTl, pT2, pT3 and pT4 in 3(4%), 15(20%), 47(63%) and 10(13%) cases and differentiation degree Gl, G2, G3 in 31(41%), 15(20%) and 29(39%) cases, respectively. In addition to the standard morphological examination of the tumor, we made morphometry of stromal and tumor area, analysed composition and count of stromal effector cells (lymphocytes, eosinophilic and neutrophilic leukocytes, macrophages, mast and plasmic cells), the degree of stromal vascularization. Prognostic value of the above parameters was estimated according to significance of their correlation with postoperative survival of the patients. The survival correlated with the depth of cancer invasion (p = 0.005) and differentiation of tumor tissue (p = 0.006), high cell infiltration of tumor stroma is prognostically unfavourable (ft, = 0.03; F= 3.41; p = 0.069) as well as weak presentation of stromal component of the tumor (p = 0.056). The lowest survival was observed in patients with cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter with a great number of mast cells (p = 0.056), macrophages (p = 0.037) and neutrophils (p = 0.029) in the tumor stroma. According to the results of multiple regression analysis (R2 ~ 0.0&; F= 5.42; p = 0.024), five-year postoperative survival most closely correlated with cancer invasion depth (p < 0.001), degree of tumor cells differentiation (p < 0.001) and number of macrophages infiltrating tumor stroma (p < 0.001). Significance of survival prognosis for patients with cancer of renal pelvis and ureter can be raised by estimation of mean number of free stromal cells and expression of stromal component.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):10-14
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Antiischemic efficacy of perfluoro organic compounds in patients with renal inflammation

Ushakova N.


To improve metabolism and reduce activity of pyoinflammatory reactions in complicated infection of the kidneys, we studied pharmacological potentialities of perfluorocarbon emulsion perfluoran. Correlation between oxygen unbalance, development of cell membrane pathology and activity of pyoinflammatory affection of the kidneys was studied in 67 patients with acute obstructive pyelonephritis complicated by urosepsis. It was found that surgical manipulations aiming at recovery of urodynamics and normalization of hemodynamic indices of the kidney are accompanied by development of reperfusion syndrome of the affected and contralateral kidney. Use of perfluoran in this situation promotes rapid compensation of gas transport disturbances, stabilization of the equilibrium in the system prooxidants-antioxidants, regress of pyoinflammatory reactions, earlier recovery of functions of a more affected kidney and antiischemic protection of the contralateral organ. Antiischemic and membranestabilizing actions of perfluoran make this drug adequate for use in patients with complicated renal infection.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):14-18
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Microbiological characteristics andclinical efficacy of phosphomycin

Loran О., Strachunsky L., Sinyakova L., Rafalsky V., Shevelev A., Kosova I.


E. coli is the most frequent agent causing urinary infection (UI) both in adults and children. E. coli of UI outpatients is often resistant to ampicilline, amoxicilline and co-trimoxasol.The study of phosphomycin in UI outpatients showed its highest efficacy against E.coli. Phosphomycin in a single daily dose of 3 g is a drug of choice in acute uncomplicated cystitis.The results of the study also demonstrate that phosphomycin can be used for prevention of pyoinflammatory complications before endoscopic manipulations and operations as well as open operations on the lower urinary tracts and genital organs
Urologiia. 2004;(3):18-21
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Bilateral microsurgical varicocelectomy in infertile men

Tchovelidze S., Tritto J., Getta T.


We assessed how bilateral microsurgical varicocelectomy alters semen quality in a large cohort of infertile men with bilateral varicocele. By means of bilateral testicular biopsy, we have investigated the spermatogenesis failure in several biological men groups and determined whether it can change the patient's candidacy for assisted reproductive technology procedures (ART). Materials and methods. From 1993 until 2003 in the urology and andrology department of St. Antoine hospital (1993-1994), the Tenon hospital (1994-2003) and hospital Saint Louis (1997-2003), 956 patients with varicocele were consulted and operated for primary or secondary sterility. Bilateral varicocele was observed in 219 patients. Our study included 198 patients with clinical palpable and infraclinical (ultrasonic doppler scanning) bilateral varicocele who underwent microsurgical bilateral varicicolectomy with bilateral testicular biopsy. Mean patient age was 34.5 (range 19 to 65) years. Varicocele has been classified into 4 stages. All the patients underwent a complete physical examination, including supine and standing scrotal examination, as well as testicular volume determination using a standard orchidometer. Complementary investigation included: the hormone status (FSH, LH, testosterone), semen analyses (carnitine, LDHx, fructoze, zinc). On the basis of the total motile sperm count 198 patients were divided into 5 biological groups: 10 azoospermia and oligospermia extreme (0-1) x 106/cc - 83 patients (41.9%); 2) oligospermia severe (1.1-5) x 106/cc) - 37 patients (18.7%); 3) oligospermia moderate (5.1-10) x 106/cc) - 36 patients (18.9%). To measure the sperm quality, the spermogram was studied 3, 6 and 12 months after the operation. On the basis of testicular biopsy we defined the following spermatogenesis groups: normal spermatogenesis - 9 cases, hypospermatogenesis - 141 cases, maturation arrest (early-6, late-20), Sertli cell only syndrome (SCOS) - 17, tubular and peritubular sclerosis -5. The correlative analysis between the FSH classes and azoo- and oligospermic subsets (83 patients) shows that azoo-oligospermic area as a whole represents only 2 patients (2.4%) in the low FSH class, 46 (55.4%) in the normal FSH range class II, 39 (46.9%) patients in the high FSH class III. All the patients were divided into 4 groups according to the type of ART for which they qualified including 0 to 1.5 million/ml (intracytoplasmatic sperm injection-ICSI) - 79 patients, 1.5 to 5 million/ml (in vitro fertilization-1VF) - 33 patients, 5 to 20 million/ml (intrauterine insemination - IUI) - 47 patients and 20 million/ml or greater sperm (spontaneous pregnancy candidates)- 39 patients. Results. Postoperative sperm concentration increased significantly compared to the one before the varicocelectomy. In the group of our patients the results were the following: of 198 patients 105 (53.1 %) improved the spermogram, 44 (22.2%) worsened the spermogram, the spermogram was not changed in 49 (24.8%). In the first biological group of 83 patients, 42 (50.6%) improved the spermogram that enables using several methods for this difficult group (ICSI, IVF) for assisted reproductive technique (ART). The total amount of motile sperm per ejaculation increased from (0.09+0.030) x 106 before varicocelectomy up to (8.9+1.3) x 106 afterwards. In this group the testicular biopsy shows different variants of spermatogenesis disturbances, respectively. As for biological groups 3, 4 and 5, the observed spermogram improvements sharply increased the patients' liability to spontaneous pregnancy and make them intrauterine insemination candidates. Conclusions. Microscopic varicocelectomy has minimal morbidity and recurrence and may be beneficial for certain patients. Making simultaneous biopsy in patients with azoospermia and severe oligospermia makes it possible to distinctly define the extent of spermatogenesis disturbances and to elaborate adequate treatment policy. The drastic improvement of the sperm quality after varicocelectomy increases the ART chances for spontaneous pregnancy
Urologiia. 2004;(3):21-25
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MR imaging in diagnosis of localized prostatic cancer

Shatov A., Ognerubov N.


To evaluate efficacy of MR imaging (MRI) in diagnosis of local prostatic cancer (LPC) and validity of MRI performance in patients with high levels of prostate-specific antigens (PSA), we made a retrospective analysis of a combined examination of 210 patients including MRI (100%). Of them, 68 (32.4%) had prostatic cancer (LPC pTl-pT2 in 27 patients, 39.7%), 87 (41.4%) had benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 35 (16.7%) - chronic prostatitis (CP). 17 (8.1%) patients were free of prostatic diseases. MRI accuracy in diagnosis of LPC was 60%, sensitivity 70%, specificity 54%, in positive and negative prognostic values 50 and 73%, respectively. Some features of LPC were seen in MRI of BPH, CP and control patients. MRI symptoms characteristic for one of the above diseases only were not determined. We believe that MRI is indicated in suspected prostatic cancer located in the central zone and anterior lateral regions of the peripheral zone (impalpable prostatic cancer). Prostatic MRI with assessment of the lower spine and pelvic bones is justified in men over 50 years if PSA is above 10 ng/ml. Early and accurate diagnosis of LPC by MRI is impossible without evaluation of clinical and PSA data.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):25-30
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Use of low-molecular heparins in prevention and treatment of thrombotic complications after radical prostatectomy

Khomeriki G., Darenkov S., Osmolovsky E., Okhobotov D.


Effects of low-molecular heparin flaxiparin on prevention of thrombotic complications after radical prostatectomy were studied in two groups of patients with localized formes of prostatic cancer at stages Tic, T2a, T2b and T3a. Group 1 received non-fractionated standard heparin in a dose 5000 units 4 times a day for 10 days. Group 2 was treated with flaxiparin in a dose 0.3 ml (7500 U anti-Xa) twice a day s.c. for 10 days. After therapy no thromboembolic complications were observed. In group 2 removal of the urethral catheter was conducted 4-5 days earlier than in group 1. This reduced hospital stay from 29 to 20 days. Flaxiparin accelerated growing vessels in the zone of urethrourethral or urethrovesical anastomosis resulting in improvement of microcirculation and preventing strictures in the anastomotic zone. Thus, low-molecular heparin prevents thromboembolic complications, reduces hospital stay and duration of rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):30-32
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Orthotopic plasticrepair of the urinary bladder with a gastric segment

Komyakov B., Novikov A., Gorelov A., Guliev B., Kirichenko O., Prokhozhev A., Ode M.


Urinary bladder plastic repair with a gastric segment on a. et v. gastroepyploici dex was made in 22 patients (18 males, 4 females, mean age 58.2 years) from November 2001 to June 2003. Gastrocystoplasty was made in 17 patients after radical cystectomy for uri- nary bladder cancer, and in 5 patients with neurogenic and small urinary bladder. Three patients have undergone surgery in our modification with a complete cross resection of the gastric body with the lesser curvature. Lethal outcomes were absent. Follow-up for 2-22 months demonstrated that all the patients achieved positive functional results and good quality of life.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):32-35
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Application of a free flap from urinarybladder mucosa for urethroplasty in experiment

Kirpatovsky V., Kamalov A., Fedyakov R., Kudryavtsev Y., Verzin A.


Experiments on 8 rabbits have demonstrated that mucosa of the urinary bladder freely transplanted into the subcutaneous fat or under the muscular fascia is engrafted with unaffected normal histological structure and revascularized with vessels invading from the adjacent tissues. Urethroplasty with a vesical mucosa graft was made in 10 dogs with experimental urethral stricture (4 animals), urethral fistula (5 animals) or a combination of urethral stricture and fistula (1 animal). A positive result with reestablishment of normal urethral passability and elimination of urinary fistula was achieved in 9 animals (follow-up for 1 year). One dog died of an unknown cause. Urodynamic examination of the dogs in long-term follow-up reported normal urethral resistance to urinary flow.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):35-40
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Complications of surgical treatment of hypospadia

Romanov D., Korolkov I.


127 new cases of hypospadia were treated in 1980-2002. A total of 348 operations including urethroplasty by Duplay and Cecil were made. 78 of the operations were followed by complications out of which 26 were corrected in the postoperative period and had no effect on the treatment results. The first stage of surgical correction of hypospadia (89 operations) brought complications in 13.48% cases. Recurrent distortion of the cavernous bodies was most typical complication at this stage. In most cases development of scarry deformation was due to inflammatory changes early after surgery. Derivatives of prednisolone proved effective in the treatment of hypertrophic scars. This complication correlated with skin plastic repair (longitudinal suturing or creation of oncoming triangular flaps) to correct the defect. The second stage of hypospadia surgery was urethroplasty made in 196 cases. It was accompanied with complications in 13.25 patients. Fistulas of newly-created urethra (11.73%) were the most typical and frequent complication. The number of postoperative complications varied greatly depending on the disease form and method of urethral reconstruction. Cecil urethroplasty brought complications in 7.94% cases. Efficacy of neourethra creation by Duplay varied greatly depending on the length of the created neourethral portion and the number of local skin resourses (8-33-83.33% complications).
Urologiia. 2004;(3):40-45
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Diagnosis andtreatment of different variants of priapism

Pushkar D., Scheplev P., Epifanova E.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):45-49
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Combined treatment of voiding disorders in women with m-cholinolytic and alpha 1-adrenoblocker

Danilov V., Volnykh I., Abdullaeva S., Danilova T.


The drug spasmex (trospium chloride) having an m-cholinolytic and myotropic spasmolytic action has been used for treatment of enuresis in women with imperative voiding syndrome. Spasmex was given in combination with alpha 1-adrenoblockers to 20 women. The clinical picture was assessed with the original table. Urodynamic alterations were registered by means of home uroflowmeter. Clinical parameters improved 2 times after 4 weeks of the treatment. Mean effective capacity of the urinary bladder increased by 25%. Spasmex in combination with terasozine was well tolerated and had no side effects.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):49-53
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Low-invasive colposuspention instress enuresis in females

Dubrovin V., Tabakov A.


Retropubic colposuspension (RC) is one of leading surgical treatments of stress enuresis in women. A low-traumatic method of RC with application of special surgical instruments is proposed. Retropubic urethrocervicopexy and low-invasive colposuspension were made in 27 and 17 women, respectively. 25 women have undergone endoscopic operations. Postoperative complications were minimal in endoscopic and low-invasive interventions. Long-term results were similar to literature data. Low-invasive colposuspension is an effective and low-traumatic treatment of stress enuresis in women
Urologiia. 2004;(3):53-54
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Early recystoscopy and biopsyin diagnosis and treatment of surface cancer of the urinary bladder

Martov A., Guschin B., Gnatyuk A., Ergakov D., Serebryany S., Karaguzhin S.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):54-58
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Current approaches to surgicaltreatment of nephroliths in the elderly

Dzeranov N., Baibarin K.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):58-66
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Efficacy and safetyof levitra (vardenafil) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction4

Mazo E., Gamidov S., Ovchinnikov R.
Urologiia. 2004;(3):66-71
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