E.D. Polivanov on Chinese and Japanese





In 1930 E.D. Polivanov published in co-authorship grammars of Chinese and Japanese. He proposed some original approaches in the both grammars but his approaches were different for these languages. In the Japanese grammar he emphasized the peculiar role of syllables and interpreted all the not independent grammar units as affixes; however he considered the same units as in the “usual languages”: phonemes, morphemes, words, clauses. His approach to Chinese was quite different: Polivanov considered syllables and incorporations the basic units of Chinese instead of phonemes, words and clauses, denied the principal difference of morphology and syntax in his language.


Vladimir Alpatov

Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: v-alpatov@iling-ran.ru

Doctor of Letters, Professor, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


  1. Alpatov, Vladimir M. Izuchenie iaponskogo iazyka v Rossii i SSSR [The Studies of the Japanese Laguage in Russia and the USSR]. Мoscow: Nauka, Glavnaia redaktsiia vostochnoi literatury, 1988 (in Russian).
  2. Alpatov, Vladimir M. Sasami ili sashimi? Fonetika i nefonetika. К 70-letiiu Sandro V. Kodzasova [Sasami or sashimi? Phonetics and Non-Phonetics. To the 70th Anniversary of Sandro V. Kodza-sov]. Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury [Languages of Slavic Culture], 2008, pp. 722–731 (in Russian).
  3. Alpatov, Vladimir M. “Dva veka v odnoi knige” [Two Centuries in One Book]. In: 44-ia nauchnaia konferentsiia “Obzhectvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae” [The 44th Scientific Conference “Society and State in China”]. Vol. XLIV. Pt. 1. Мoscow: Institut vostokovedeniia RAN, 2014, pp. 524–540 (in Russian).
  4. Gengo. Tokyo, 1979, № 9 (in Japanese).
  5. Ivanov, Aleksei I., Polivanov, Evgenii D. Grammatika sovremennogo kitaiskogo iazyka [The Grammar of the Modern Chinese Language]. Moscow: Institut vostokovedeniia im. N.N. Narimanova, 1930 (in Russian).
  6. Pletner, Oleg V., Polivanov, Evgenii D. Grammatika iaponskogo razgovornogo iazyka [The Grammar of the Japanese Colloquial Language]. Moscow: Institut vostokovedeniia im. N.N. Narimanova, 1930 (in Russian).



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