Generating and studying amplitude-frequency modulation signals using Rigol devices



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The article discusses the issues of practical use of amplitudefrequency modulation (AFM) signals, their generation and measurement of characteristics. An example of generating AFM signals using Rigol DSG3136B-IQ generator and studying their properties using Rigol MSO8204 oscilloscope and Rigol RSA5056-TG spectrum analyzer is given.

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Sobre autores

N. Lemeshko

АО «Корпорация «Комета»

Autor responsável pela correspondência

начальник отдела


M. Gorelkin

ООО «РШ Тех»


менеджер по продукту



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  4. Румянцев К.Е. Радиоприемные устройства. М.: Академия, 2006. 336 с.
  5. Першин В.Т. Основы радиоэлектроники и схемотехники. Учебное пособие. Ч. 2. – Минск: Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники, 2006. 152 с.
  6. Фомин А., Викторов Д. Метрология и радиоизмерения. Красноярск: Сибирский федеральный университет, 2016. 508 с.
  7. Справочник инженеров по радиомониторингу / Под ред. Слободнюка П.В. Киев, 2012. 720 с.
  8. Левшина Е.С., Новицкий П.В. Электрические измерения физических величин. Измерительные преобразователи. Л.: Энергоатомиздат, 1983. 320 с.

Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig.1. FFT result for a signal with AFM with single-tone amplitude and frequency modulation, fA = 1 kHz and fCh = 4 kHz

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3. Fig.2. FFT result for a signal with AFM with single-tone amplitude and frequency modulation, fA = 4 kHz and fCh = 1 kHz

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4. Fig.3. FFT result for a signal with AFM with single-tone modulation in amplitude and frequency, fA = fЧ = 4 kHz

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5. Fig.4. FFT result for a signal with AFM with single-tone modulation in amplitude and frequency, with fA = fCh = 4 kHz, m = M = 0.8

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6. Fig.5. FFT result for the signal: a – with single-tone FM, fCh = 2 kHz, m = 5; b – with AFM at fA = 500 Hz; c – with AFM at fA = 2 kHz

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7. Fig.6. FFT results obtained with frequency modulation by a smooth signal at Δf = 100 kHz: a – in the absence of AM superposition; b – when superimposing polyharmonic AM with a maximum frequency of 20 kHz

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8. Fig.7. Block diagram of a signal detector with AFM

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9. Fig.8. Block diagram of a modulator that generates a signal with amplitude-frequency modulation

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10. Fig.9. Schematic diagram of a modulator that generates a signal with AFM

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11. Fig. 10. Rigol DSG3136B-IQ AM generator settings tab

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12. Fig. 11. Installation for studying signals with AFM in the time domain: a – diagram; b – photograph

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13. Fig. 12. Installation for studying signals with AFM in the frequency domain: a – diagram; b – photograph

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14. Fig. 13. Oscillogram of a signal with AFM in the persistence mode with a sweep duration of the order of one period

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15. Fig. 14. Cursor measurements along the envelope to calculate the AM depth: a – for minimum; b – for maximum

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16. Fig. 15. The result of statistical measurements for a signal with AFM

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17. Fig. 16. Results of measurements of the occupied signal bandwidth with AFM

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18. Fig. 17. Spectrogram of a signal with AFM at sinusoidal AM and FM

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Declaração de direitos autorais © Lemeshko N., Gorelkin M., 2024

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