Electro-optical surveillance and all-round camera systems

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The article considers a special class of optoelectronic devices, namely the television panoramic all-round viewing devices designed for 360° instantaneous viewing. Various design versions of panoramic devices are given, special attention is paid to the all-round television panoramic device with the upper hemisphere that provides an opportunity to observe the upper hemisphere without any dead areas using 4 television channels and solving the problem of UAV detection and counteraction in the anti-aircraft area.

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About the authors

Alexander V. Medvedev

Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant PJSC

Author for correspondence.
Email: journal@electronics.ru

General Designer

Russian Federation, Rostov

Alexander V. Grinkevich


Email: journal@electronics.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Svetlana N. Knyazeva

Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant PJSC

Email: journal@electronics.ru

Design Engineer

Russian Federation, Rostov


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. TV camera and elevating and traversing mechanism of the panoramic device

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3. Fig. 2. Optical circuit of a panoramic component with a beam path

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4. Fig. 3. Option of the television channel with the all-around viewing

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5. Fig. 4. Circular image obtained by a breadboard panoramic model

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6. Fig. 5. Television channel with the all-around viewing and the upper hemisphere

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7. Fig. 6. Fujinon FE185C046HA-1 lens

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8. Fig. 7. Field of view of the detection channel. A bird – an UAV

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9. Fig. 8. Pakistan. 2011

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10. Fig. 9. T-90MS. All-around surveillance system

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11. Fig. 10. Design bureau “Display”. All-around surveillance system “Panorama”

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12. Fig. 11. Armored personnel carrier CM-32 8 × 8 Cloud Leopard

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13. Fig. 12. An example of information perception from 16 video cameras

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14. Fig. 13. Structural diagram of a television channel

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15. Fig. 14. Channel placement option in a panoramic device

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16. Рис. 15. Вариант установки детекторов в панорамном приборе

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Copyright (c) 2023 Medvedev A.V., Grinkevich A.V., Knyazeva S.N.

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