Stress-induced ultrastructural changes in astrocytes of medullary gigantocellular nuclei of growing rats

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Ultrastructural changes in the astrocytes of medullary gigantocellular reticular nuclei of growing rats under the effect of severe emotional-pain stress are studied. There are some differences in the manifestation of morphological reactions of neuroglial cell depending on its localization. Intracellular vacuolization, pericellular edema, but not safety mitochondrial ultrastructure evidence of prominent, and non-excessive changes are observed in growing astrocytes.


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Copyright (c) 2005 Smirnov A.V., Khloponin P.A., Pisarev V.B., Pocheptsov A.Y., Smirnov A.V., Khloponin P.A., Pisarev V.B., Pocheptzov A.Y.

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